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Friday, October 30, 2009

More About Winners and Losers ...

The Winners List

What do they all have in common? Jesse Owens, Olga Korbut, Cathy Rigby, Nadia Comaneci, Bruce Jenner, Mark Spitz, Mary Lou Retton, Greg Louganis, Dorothy Hamill, Peggy Flemming, Florence Joiner, Carl Lewis, Brian Boitano, George Forman, Dan Jansen, Babe Ruth, Sandy Koufax, Hank Aaron, Willy Mays, Nolan Ryan, Roger Staubach, Joe Montana, Troy Aikman, Dr. J., Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, David Robinson, Karem Abdul, Wilt Chamberlain, Larry Byrd, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, David Eisenhower, George Patton, Norman Scharzkoph, Lee Iacocca, Andrew Carnegie, The Rockefellers, Sam Walton, Dave Thomas, Norman Vincent Peale, Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, Barbra Streisand, Clark Gable. What do these people have in common? They're all WINNERS! We all love WINNERS, don’t we?

Can we think of any famous LOSERS? Of course not! But who are God's winners and losers?

According to the Bible, a real WINNER is someone who is willing to LOSE themselves in service to God and man. (cf. Matthew 20:25-28)

The one who loses his or her pride, stubbornness, independence, self-reliance, selfishness, self-centeredness and gives up to God will WIN! (cf. I Corinthians 9:23-27 and Philippians 1:21 & 3:4-9)

If you really want to WIN in this life, you have to LOSE your life to find it. Whoever loses his life will gain eternal life. LOSE the idea that you can make it on your own. LOSE your pride and your arrogance and give your life totally to God. Like Christ, team up with the broken, humble, homeless and lost – then empty yourself with He who emptied himself. He left heaven and became poor for our sakes. Now He asks us to go and do the same.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Glare of Camera Flashes

Some of the rich, proud, powerful and the famous seem to be spared of all the human ills despite their apparent disregard for God. They don't suffer like the poor and the homeless. In the glare of camera flashes, their problems seem to be unreal as they live in the glitter of starlight. The public idolizes and imitates them. It all looks so sexy, so appealing. Why not? The Psalmist wrestles with the same problem as old as ancient Israel and yet as modern as today's tabloids.

Psalm 73
I saw that proud and sinful people were doing well.
And I began to long for what they had.
They don't have any troubles.
Their bodies are healthy and strong.

They don't have the problems others have.
They don't suffer as other people do.
Their pride is like a necklace.
They put on meanness as if it were their clothes.

Many sins come out of their hard and stubborn hearts.
There is no limit to their proud and evil thoughts.
They laugh at others and speak words of hatred.
They are proud. They warn others about the harm they can do to them.

They brag as if they owned heaven itself.
They talk as if they controlled the earth.
So people listen to them.
They lap up their words like water.

They say, "How can God know what we're doing?
Does the Most High God really know that much?"

Here is what sinful people are like.
They don't have a care in the world. They keep getting richer and richer. Psalm 73:3-12
Please take a moment to donate online to Homeless In America’s Halloween StreetReach for those homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 1000s of homeless we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Though He be not Clean as Holiness Requires ...

St. Teresa of Avila once mused, “I really don’t see anything in the world that pleases me other than its intolerance of faults in the good, forcing them to be perfect through its criticisms.”

David lamented a similar thought, but thousands of years earlier. Speaking to Gad he said, “I am in dire straits. But I prefer to fall into the hand of the Lord, whose mercy is very great, than into the hands of men.” (1 Chr. 21:13)

Ultimately, the poor, the homeless, the unclean and losers of this life can have solace in the fact that the Lord’s mercy is infinitely greater than the tiresome unkind judgments shown by men here on earth. Our comfort is in the Lord of endless mercy.

“May the Lord, who is good, grant pardon to everyone who has resolved to seek God, the Lord, the God of His fathers, though he be not clean as holiness requires.” (2 Chr. 30:18-19)

Please take a moment to donate online to Homeless In America’s Halloween StreetReach for those homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 1000s of homeless we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Homeless Gwen" by Mattel

The American Girl line of dolls coveted by many American little ones, now includes a doll named Gwen (photo, a tabloid knockoff) that’s based on a character that is homeless. Created by longstanding manufacturer Mattel, Gwen has come under serious fire because, as some put it, it sends the wrong message to children playing with it, leaving aside the fact that it shamelessly capitalizes on a very painful and ever-present issue, that of homeless children, The Telegraph reports.

Gwen’s story is a tragic one: she lives with her mother in a car, after her father abandons them and they are left with no means to sustain themselves. Now, Mattel and American Girl have taken this story and this particular character and are making money off it in the most shameless manner. The homeless doll is priced at a whopping $95, which means that no homeless, little girl will ever be able to afford it, and, what’s even sadder, it’s not even used to raise some sort of awareness on the issue of homeless children, critics say.

“What message is being sent with Gwen?” said New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser. "For starters, men are bad. Fathers abandon women without cause. She’s also telling me that women are helpless." The dolls send the wrong message to children, argued Tanya Tull, president of Beyond Shelter. She said "she was afraid that they’re going to pick up the idea that it’s OK, that it’s an accepted segment of society that some children are homeless and some children are not." The Telegraph writes, summing up some of what Gwen’s critics say.

Please take a moment to donate online to Servants of the Father of Mercy Halloween StreetReach for homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Friday, October 23, 2009

Divided Across Two Worlds: At the End of Time, What happens to the Losers?

The Arrogant Winners of the World will become Eternal Losers …
1. They are shown no mercy upon their death.
2. They are cast into hell.
3. They share in the resurrection and receive a body to share the pains of hell.
4. They will share the tortures of hell with Satan and his fallen angels.
5. They will experience unending pain and anxiety.
6. They will long for relief from the darkness and it will never come.
7. They will hurt, consume and suffer each other they way they did on earth.
8. Parched, they will long for a draught of cold water.
9. Confusion will be never-ending.
10. Satan will rule.

The Humble Losers of the World will become God’s Eternal Winners …
1. They are shown mercy upon their death.
2. They enter into a heavenly home.
3. They share in the resurrection and receive a glorified body.
4. They will share a new heaven and a new earth with the saints and the angels.
5. They will experience unending joy and peace.
6. They will long for nothing and God Himself will be their light.
7. They will help, share and build each other up as they did on earth.
8. They will receive a special draught from the fountain of God’s grace.
9. Peace will reign.
10.God will rule.

Welcome to the kingdom of God where Jesus is broken, abandoned, crucified and resurrected and where the rich and powerful - people like Roman governors, priests, Scribes and Pharisees rule – where up is down and down is up. “He has lifted up the lowly … The rich He has sent away empty … He has scattered the proud in their conceit … And holy is His name.” (cf. Luke 1:52)

Please take a moment to donate online to Servants of the Father of Mercy Halloween StreetReach for homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Divided Across Two Worlds, Who are the Winners and Losers?

The Winners of this World
1. The sleek
2. The proud
3. The powerful
4. The wealthy
5. The strong
6. The smart
7. The gifted
8. The rulers
9. The controllers
10.The self-centered

The Winners of God’s World
1. The broken
2. The contrite
3. The humble
4. The lowly
5. The empty
6. The poor
7. The weak
8. The unintelligent
9. The servants
10.The abandoned

Welcome to the kingdom of God where Jesus is homeless, broken, abandoned and crucified while the rich live in mansions and the powerful rule – where up is down and down is up. “He has lifted up the lowly … The rich He has sent away empty … He has scattered the proud in their conceit … And holy is His name.” (cf. Luke 1:52)

Please take a moment to donate online to Servants of the Father of Mercy Halloween StreetReach for homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

“Please Don’t See”

by Michael Towers

A poem he wrote about his first night living homeless on the streets and all the fear flooding through and for the first time in life realizing how truly vulnerable we all are.

“Please Don’t See”
The headlights blinding, the noise so clear,
Clinging to the blades, grass scratches my face,
Hiding from the shame, of being myself,
Sink into the ground, please don’t see.

The lights now blind, sounds move past,
A heartbeat races, danger so immediate,
Another car comes, Illuminating failure,
Sink into the ground, please don’t see.

Sleep not an option, fear too close,
Beneath the branches, harbouring a child,
People scream, they walk the street,
Sink into the ground, please don’t see.

Heart skips beats, tears abandon ducts,
Trickling down, clinging to the blades,
Laughter is sounded, masses rush by,
Sink into the ground, please don’t see.

Morning coming through, safety so near,
Never believing, the other side of night,
They will come, and surely judge,
Sink into the ground, please don’t see.

Walking on, as if I’m non-existent,
Never acknowledged, truly abandoned,
Trapped in my shell, to be ignored,
Sink into the ground, please don’t see.

I cry today, for a different moment,
Praying for a life, more than this,
Knowing there’s something, elsewhere to be,
Reasons I’m here, questions not asked.

This feels like forever, an endless dream,
But all dreams end, a chance again,
One day I promise, there’ll be a way,
I’ll rise off the ground, for people to see.

Please take a moment to donate online to Servants of the Father of Mercy Halloween StreetReach for homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Desert Rose Band

"Homeless" by Chris Hillman & Steve Hill

She started out a rodeo queen, future looked just fine
Fell in love with a boy in school, married an assembly line
They were huntin' down the American dream, wonderin'where it'd gone
When they found themselves to be fair game lost their home

He was laid off on a Friday night went out drinkin' with his friends
She stayed in the car with the kids all night, he never came back again
Oh what was she to do, where was she to go
Is home really were the heart is when the heart can't feel at home

Homeless, her and her family
Homeless, is this the way of livin' free
And her house is an abandoned car at the side of the road
Homeless, will she find where that road goes

Her time is now so precious, she hunts for work and food
Their clothes are torn and tattered, so her kids stay out of school
She looks for hope under every can "at the sound of the tone
Just leave a message, we'll call you back" but they know she's not at home

Homeless, her and her family
Homeless, is this the way of livin' free
And her house is an abandoned car at the side of the road
Homeless, will she find where that road goes

In this land of milk and honey we share with all who need
Except the ones outside our door, the ones we cannot see
It's the proud, the true, the faithful left out in the cold
It's people just like you and me at the end of the road

Homeless, her and her family
Homeless, is this the way of livin' free
And her house is an abandoned car at the side of the road
Homeless, will she find where that road goes
Homeless, will she find where that road goes

Desert Rose Band - Curb Records
Please take a moment to donate online to Homeless In America's Halloween StreetReach for homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Stage Where the Homeless Star

By New York Times writer, Robert Dubrow

ONE man is in recovery from crack-cocaine addiction. Another recently completed a four-year prison term. A woman struggles with manic depression.

They are all members of New Haven's Homeless Theater Troupe, a collaboration between homeless and formerly homeless individuals and Yale University students. The troupe's new play, which recently had its premiere in a church basement before an enthusiastic audience, offers the message that through faith in God, human beings can overcome addictions and other demons, to fulfill their potential as individuals.

The troupe was founded in February 1997 by a Yale student, Jane Chen, to give homeless people the opportunity to develop self-sufficiency by getting involved in theater, to give them a voice in the community, to break down stereotypes, and to educate audiences about homelessness.

One of the performers is Andree Thompson, a 28-year-old man who has been with the troupe for over a year. When he joined, he was staying at the Columbus House shelter. He moved into his own apartment in December, after being homeless for 10 years. A month later he was hired as actor-director of the troupe, through a grant from the Haymarket People's Fund.

''I had a college background and I'm homeless,'' says Judy White, who became homeless two years ago, when losing her job, apartment and custody of her daughter sent her into a deep depression. ''It doesn't matter who you are. Situations can occur in your life that you cannot handle, and you fall down.'' But both students and homeless agree that homeless people cannot be stereotyped. ''Homeless people come in all shapes and sizes,'' Ms. White says.

For Krissy Clark, a Yale sophomore, the most important aspect of working with the troupe has been the personal connections with homeless people -- ''just having them be my friends, rather than people I helped or pitied or felt awkward around.''

Please take a moment to donate online to Homeless In America's Halloween StreetReach for homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at -

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Like Living Stones

If the Lord does not build a house, in vain do its builders labor.
(cf. Psalm 127)

The Scriptures often present God as the builder who is constructing a heavenly city out of “living stones.” The “stones” are His children, adopted and loved by Jesus Christ, the first-born Son of God’s house and its foundation stone. All is vanity says the Psalmist, that is if you are not letting God build your home. Essentially we are all homeless, especially those who try to go about life on their own steam – on their own efforts by forgetting God, ignoring prayer and pursuing self-interests.

Unless the LORD builds the house,
its builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain.

In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to those he loves.
Psalm 127:1-2

Please take a moment to donate online to Homeless In America's Halloween StreetReach for SoCal's homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness and compassion in increments of $10 at - or to SFM, P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042

Monday, October 12, 2009

Who is Your Hero?

By "Benjamin" a teenager living in France

My hero is L'Abbe Pierre, although his real name was Henri Groues. He was born on August 5th, 1912, in Lyon. He is my hero because he devoted his life to poor people and he was an example of generosity. He began his mission in 1931 when he received an inheritance from his family. He didn't want this inheritance, so he distributed his possessions to a lot of charity organizations.

He became a priest on August 14th, 1938. During the Second World War, he accommodated many Jews in the free zone and he resisted against the German Army. But in May 1943, he was arrested by the German Army in Cambo-les-Bains. He broke out of prison and crossed over to Spain to meet General De Gaulle on June 17th in Alger. It's in 1949 when he began building accommodations for homeless people's families. His meeting with a depressed man named Georges was the beginning of the Emmamus Community which he founded.

Three years later, he got a 10 billion credit from the parliament to build twelve thousand accommodations for poor people in France. In 1981, he was named Officer of the Legion of Honour. In 2001, he received the Badges of Large Officer of the Legion of Honour, and in 2004, the Large Cross of the Legion of Honour from the President of the Republic. Sadly, he died on January 22nd, 2007, when he was 94.

I consider L'Abbe Pierre as a hero because there aren't a lot of people like him who devote their lives to helping others. He had lots of charisma and he was very involved in politics. His influence among political men enabled him to implement his projects. He was admired by poor people for giving them the strength to fight and for bringing joy into their lives.

l'Abbe Pierre was also known and respected around the world by people like Jean Paul II, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and a lot of other heroes who devoted their lives to others instead of being self-seeking. I think that we should always remember what L'Abbe Pierre did for the world and take lessons from his life.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

It was Jesus Bearing that Man’s Appearance ...

By Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Jesus loved us, and He still loves us. He loved and still loves the lepers, the destitute who are dying, the alcoholics, the unwanted, and the unloved. He loves them deeply. He died for them, and He doesn’t stop saying: “Love one another as I have loved you. As the Father loves Me, love one another. I have loved you as My Father loves me.”

The Father loved Jesus and gave Him to us. Jesus made Himself the Bread of Life, so that we could eat of Him and have life. He wants to satisfy our hunger for love and for God.

As if that were not enough, Jesus became the hungry one, so that you and I could satisfy His hunger, cover His nakedness, and offer Him shelter. He said, “You did it to Me. I was hungry. I was naked. I was homeless.” The forgotten man in the street, the one we picked up in the streets of Calcutta, was Jesus bearing that man’s appearance. It was Jesus who was hungry. I will never forget the man who was half eaten by worms when we found him. He was tenderly carried to the Home for Dying Destitute. On the way, he murmured, “I have lived like an animal, but now I am going to die loved and surrounded with care.” That is how he died and went home to God. That was Jesus under the disguise of the poor.


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Thursday, October 8, 2009

We're all Wanderers and Nomads

All have strayed from God. Consequently, all humans are wanderers and nomads of some sort. We're all technically "homeless." In this regard, it is easy to relate to homeless persons and to love them. The Lord even allowed His chosen people to wander in the desert. To go aimlessly about through wastelands is part of each human's experience in order to find God.

Let us pray ...

For those who have no home or family:
- Lord, bring them to dwell in your heavenly city.

For those who are alone, abandoned, poor and in want:
- Lord, bring them to dwell in their heavenly home.

For those who dwell in aloneness in massive cities filled with entertainment and people:
- Lord, bring them to know your personal love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness.

In the Lord's own house may we dwell forever and ever. Psalm 23:6

What will you do with your Homeless in America?

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Please Publish HIA's Church Bulletin Announcement Soon

The Homeless In America StreetReach recently ran out of men's clothing items for the homeless living under bridges and in alleyways of Ventura County area and downtown Los Angeles. Would you, your youth group or church like to collect a few things or print the following church bulletin announcement in order to help the poor?

The Homeless In America StreetReach is in need of clean used men's clothing and other life's basics for 1000s of homeless men, women and teenagers living under bridges and in alleyways of Ventura County area and downtown Los Angeles. If you have any of the following items in medium, large/X large or other basics listed below, please email for a delivery location or pickup.

Men's Clothing Items and Basics List
1. Jeans/casual pants
2. T-shirts/polo shirts
3. Jackets/sweaters
4. Sweat shirts/pants
5. Socks/under shirts, etc.
6. Hotel-style mini soaps, shampoo, etc.
7. Cases of bottled water
8. Packaged & sealed small packs of cookies, chips, crackers, etc.
9. Blankets, sleeping bags, etc. (winter is coming and it's already getting very cold at night)
10. Men's sneakers

All these items easily and interchangeably work for women and will be delivered to them as well. Thank you and God bless you for your compassion and kindness for the homeless in our SoCal community.

Scroll down to the bottom of the main page and vote in the polls!
Subscribe! top right column.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Polling All Home Churches

Beginning today and for the next few months a new poll will appear near the bottom of the main page. It asks the following: On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your home church and the people's ability to directly reach out and serve the poor and homeless?

1 - Nothing is being done.
2 - We write an occasional check.
3 - Some of our people are out there doing works of mercy.
4 - We're doing works of mercy and write some checks to help the poor.
5 - We actively serve the poor, launch fundraisers and donate lots of money.

Scroll down to near the bottom of this main page and participate in all the Homeless In America polls. Thank you for your participation!

Please take a moment to donate online to Servants of the Father of Mercy StreetReach for homeless living under the bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the 100s of Homeless In America we serve. Kindness in increments of $10 at -

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A note from Michael Moore - Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Dear Friends,

I'd like to have a word with those of you who call yourselves Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Bill Maherists, etc.. In my new film I speak for the first time about my own spiritual beliefs. I have always believed that one's religious leanings are deeply personal and should be kept private. After all, we've heard enough yammerin' in the past three decades about how one should "behave," and I have to say I'm pretty burned out on pieties and platitudes considering we are a violent nation who invades other countries and punishes our own for having the audacity to fall on hard times.

I'm also against any proselytizing; I certainly don't want you to join anything I belong to. Also, as a Catholic, I have much to say about the Church as an institution, but I'll leave that for another day (or movie).

Amidst all the Wall Street bad guys and corrupt members of Congress exposed in my new movie, "Capitalism: A Love Story," I pose a simple question: "Is capitalism a sin?" I go on to ask, "Would Jesus be a capitalist?" Would he belong to a hedge fund? Would he sell short? Would he approve of a system that has allowed the richest 1% to have more financial wealth than the 95% under them combined?

I have come to believe that there is no getting around the fact that capitalism is opposite everything that Jesus (Moses, Mohammed and Buddha) taught. All the great religions are clear about one thing: It is evil to take the majority of the pie and leave what's left for everyone to fight over. Jesus said that the rich man would have a very hard time getting into heaven. He told us that we had to be our brother's and sister's keepers and that the riches that did exist were to be divided fairly. He said that if you failed to house the homeless and feed the hungry, you'd have a hard time finding the pin code to the pearly gates.

I guess that's bad news for us Americans. Here's how we define "Blessed Are the Poor" ... We now have the highest unemployment rate since 1983. There's a foreclosure filing once every 7.5 seconds. 14,000 people every day lose their health insurance.

At the same time, Wall Street bankers ("Blessed Are the Wealthy!") are amassing more and more loot -- and they do their best to pay little or no income tax (last year Goldman Sachs' tax rate was a mere 1%)! Would Jesus approve of this? If not, why do we let such an evil system continue? It doesn't seem you can call yourself a Capitalist AND a Christian -- because you cannot love your money AND love your neighbor when you are denying your neighbor the ability to see a doctor just so you can have a better bottom line. That's called "immoral" -- and you are committing a sin when you benefit at the expense of others.

When you are in church this morning, please think about this. I am asking you to allow your "better angels" to come forward. And if you are among the millions of Americans who are struggling to make it from week to week, please know that I promise to do what I can to stop this evil -- and I hope you'll join me in not giving up until everyone has a seat at the table.

Thanks for listening. I'm off to Mass in a few hours. I'll be sure to ask the priest if he thinks Jesus deals in derivatives or credit default swaps. I mean, after all, he must've been good at math. How else did he divide up two loaves of bread and five pieces of fish equally amongst 5,000 people? Either he was the first socialist or his disciples were really bad at packing lunch. Or both.

Sincerely Yours,

Michael Moore

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DONATE: Kindness in increments of $10 to Homeless in America at:

Friday, October 2, 2009

Visit Ignacio, Mike & Anthony's House, It's Spacious, Light, Airy, Cool and Filled with Lots of Modern Art!

Please take a moment to donate online to Servants of the Father of Mercy StreetReach for the homeless living under bridges and in alleyways. There is a need for October water sponsors, $20 - food sponsors, $125 and monthly sponsors are needed for van insurance $50 and operation/upkeep $300. God bless you for your compassion and help for the Homeless In America: