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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tobit's Words for the Wise: Success for the Generous, Demise for the Stingy, if you Drink - Get Help!

"Do to no one what you yourself hate. Do not drink wine till you become drunk or let drunkenness accompany you on your way.

“Give to the hungry some of your food, and to the naked some of your clothing. Whatever you have left over, give away as alms; and do not let it be done begrudgingly the alms that you give.

"At all times bless the Lord, your God, and ask him that all your paths may be straight and success on all your endeavors and that your plans may prosper."  Tobit 4: 16, 18-19


1.  Choir members there is practice for the homeless in nursing homes concerts - Thursday, 5:30p

2.  Bro. Joseph speaks about the homeless at the 5:30p Mass, St. Raphael Church, Santa Barbara, Saturday 5:30p

3.  Mismo - Hermano Orlando Menchaca, La Missa en Espanol, St, Raphael Church, Santa Barbara, Domingo, 12:30pm.

4.  Bro. Joseph speaks at all the English Masses, St. Raphael Church, Santa Barbara, Sunday beginning at 7:30am.

5.  No team meeting at 2pm this coming Sunday, join us in Santa Barbara at St. Raphael Church - everyone that comes, the Lord will treat us to lunch!  Wear your Servants of the Father of Mercy shirt.

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Need Used Ink Cartridges Fundraiser

Need used ink cartridges real soon - the 1st week in August to recycle and help raise money for the homeless.  Who has used ink cartridges at home or office?  You can mail or leave them at the door any time, Servants of the Father of Mercy Chapel - 1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003. They will be put to good use helping the homeless in So Cal.  Thank you, thank you and God bless you for your help!  br. joseph  (Please feel free to post and repost this message - can never have too many used ink cartridges raising money for the poor!)


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Promises, Promesas

Demos gracias a Dios por Miguel, Luis y el grupo de oración Kairos, Santa Paula, CA! Dios bendiga a todos y cada uno de ustedes y sus familias por su participación en el servicio a los pobres que viven sin casa bajo los puentes y en las calles del sur de California este sábado pasado. Aquí hay algunas fotos de su día y aquí hay una promesa de los Salmos del Señor.

¡Qué alegría hay para los que tratan bien a los pobres!
    El Señor los rescata cuando están en apuros.
El Señor los protege
    y los mantiene con vida;
los prospera en la tierra
    y los rescata de sus enemigos.
El Señor los atiende cuando están enfermos
    y les devuelve la salud. Salmo 41:1-3
Invitation a Los "Servants of the Father of Mercy".  Ven cada Domingo, 2pm reunion, almuerzo y oraciones para los homeless, 1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003
Thanks be to God for Miguel Dorado, Luis and Kairos renewal prayer group, Santa Paula, CA!  God bless each and every one of you and your families for your participation in serving the poor homeless living under bridges and in alleyways in Southern California this past Saturday.  Here are some pictures from your day and here is a promise from Psalms the Lord gives you.
Blessed are those who have regard for the poor;
    the Lord delivers them in times of trouble.
The Lord protects and preserves them—
    they are counted among the blessed in the land—
    he does not give them over to the desire of their foes.
The Lord sustains them on their sickbed
    and restores them from their bed of illness. Psalm 41:1-3
Invitation to the "Servants of the Father of Mercy. Come each and every Sunday, 2pm for a team meeting, lunch and prayers for the homeless, 1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Antique Road Show Fundraiser

An antiques show and garage sale "homeless fundraiser" is set for this coming Monday and Tuesday in front of the Servants of the Father of Mercy warehouse in Ventura.  Got 1, 2, or 3 pieces of furniture, electronics or household items to donate?  Bring them on over Sunday 2pm team meeting.  Angela, Henry, Mercy and Oscar are donating a few antiques.  Edgar and Martha have already donated a few century old statues and paintings.  Here are pictures from October's event! 

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Gotta Love Haters

The testimony in the book "23 Minutes in Hell" is an eyewitness account that haters feed on haters.  The people that deride you today, will also turn and consume each other tomorrow. Thanks be to God for sending us Jesus, "The New Paradigm", who spread his arms out in love over the smart, know-it-all, prideful haters and said "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  Follow Christ to the Cross, break out of the old paradigm and embrace the New.


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Friday, July 11, 2014

Kali Wins the Homeless Drumathon while Julissa Eventually Gives In

Get the very latest Servants of the Father of Mercy pictures, dates, times, news and updates at

Above are two inspiring pictures from last week's homeless supplies warehouse grand opening and blessing Mass of our budding musicians - from left to right are Julissa and Kali drumming late into the night. Kali wins the drumathon! The next team meeting to help the homeless is this and every Sunday, 2p - 4p Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003. Let us know that you, your family and friends plan to attend - your Father and Mother would love it if you do. Email us at

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Way Home & A Homecoming

Jesus tells us that the way home (for all of us willing to admit we're homeless, lol) is a very narrow path, meaning that we slip off the path occasionally, and that is okay.  The whole course of the journey home is getting lost, falling off, and returning, and slipping off again, slipping away from the truth and turning back to it, leaving and returning.  So in our leaving, as much as in our returning, we must always try to remember that we are blessed, loved, cherished and like the parable of the "Prodigal Son" we are waited for by the One who loves us and whose love never changes. (Henri Nouwen) 

Below, enjoy the grand opening homecoming pictures of our new homeless supplies, KidsKrafts warehouse and Father of Mercy chapel HQ taken this past Friday evening!  You're invited to the next gathering of the team serving So Cal homeless, every Sunday, lunch/meeting, 2pm, 1544 Morse Ave., Ventura, CA 93003.  Join us, your Father and Mother will love it!


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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Kitty Goes Home

Since 2001, Kitty (photos from a visit in 2007) was a member of our homeless family living under Los Angeles bridges in the neighborhood of 1st and 3rd avenues near Union Station in downtown.  A week ago, she last minute changed a weekend barbecue party she planned to cook for her homeless mates from Sunday evening to Saturday afternoon.  Everyone had a great time.  Sunday evening she fell asleep at 9:00 on a makeshift bed and died shortly thereafter.  Over the years Kitty had bypass surgery a couple of times and was living homeless after each hospital stay. She leaves behind her best mate Anthony and close friends, Cici, Andrian, Carlos and Isabel.  Please pray for Kitty and for her homeless family that she leaves behind.

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