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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Homeless Servants

May God bless this past Saturday team of Servants (pictures) serving the homeless in Ventura County and downtown Los Angeles this past Saturday. The Ventura StreetReach was lead by Celina Gonzales and her husband Manuel Jimenez and Bob and Angela Archibeque - an Orange County team came up to LA with Mark Burke and Michael Valencia. The Los Angeles Servants totaled about 35 helpers.

Que Dios bendiga el equipo el sábado pasado de los Siervos (fotos) que sirve las personas sin hogar en el condado de Ventura y el centro de Los Angeles, el pasado sábado. El Ventura StreetReach fue dirigido por Celina Gonzales y su esposo Manuel Jiménez y Bob y Angela Archibeque - un equipo del condado de Orange llegó a Los Ángeles con Mark Burke y Michael Valencia. Los Siervos de Los Ángeles sumaron unos 35 ayudantes.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

One Week of Free "Soul Food"!

YOUR INVITATION: This Week at the “Servants of the Father of Mercy”

           Wednesday, today at 6pm help seal fresh donated pastries and bagels in Ziploc Baggies for the homeless.

           Friday morning at 9:30am help make more than 100 homeless snack bags filled with fresh oranges, bottles of water, pastries, chips and more.

           Friday evening at 6pm “Youth & Family Night” dinner, KidsKrafts - Fall pinecone decorating, and “Orange Halloween Swamp” and “Blue Christmas Lake” dried flower arrangements all being crafted to raise money for the homeless.

           Saturday morning at 8:30am StreetReach – just like Dominos Pizza, “We Deliver!” to homeless living under bridges and remote alleyways in Ventura and Los Angeles: food, water, clothing, hygiene bags, handmade rosaries, prayer cards and more.

           Sunday afternoon at 2pm “Servants of the Father of Mercy” team lunch, fundraising meeting and Liturgy of the Hours.

Come and be inspired, feed your soul for a lifetime, let the fire fall - feel the Spirit!
The “Servants of the Father of Mercy” is an IRS 501 ( c ) 3 tax exempt nonprofit, California Corporation and an Association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, founded by Bro. Joseph after experiencing a heart attack and being dead for 30 minutes, September 27, 2005.

1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003 – from the 126 go west to Main Street Exit.  At the light go left under the bridge and quick right. Go to the stop sign and left on Market Street.  Go right on Morse Avenue, first driveway on your left. 

As one Dominican WW II Army priest chaplain would often say in his Sunday homily, “It’s your soul, save it!”

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cory Booker

Cory Anthony Booker is an American politician and the junior United States Senator from New Jersey. At the time of his election to the Senate, he was the Mayor of Newark.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Window on the World

A window (photo) to the world taken at Servants of the Father of Mercy supplies warehouse - looking out for the 70,000 homeless in Southern California and beyond. Please make a donation and help with rent and utilities. Send checks to Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003. All donations are tax deductible.

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

Yesterday, it was a wonderful day in the neighborhood at Cypress Place Senior Living.  The music group performed our summer touring concert "Healing Waters."  You will see here some pics from the day featuring Lars Nelson on sax, Catherine Delgado alto, Angelique Gabrielle Perez soprano, Miguel Dorado Rubio tenor, and Bro. Gary Joseph guitar/vocals.  About 45 - 50 seniors enjoyed the concert during the 5p dinner hour and also received gifts of colorful handmade rosaries donated by Our Lady of the Rosary Makers in Seattle, San Leandro, San Luis Obispo and Alberta, CA.  At the front table you will see Jean and Jan, they were our groupies!  Enjoy the pics.  Thanks to the Cypress management team of Pamela, the activities director and Executive Chef - Anthony for all their coordination organizing the event for their residents.


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Friday, September 5, 2014

News Flash - Aviso Urgente!

Apostle Paul News Flash:
Everyone's a Sinner so Everyone can Receive God's Mercy - So Be Free from Judging Others!
"Just as you were once disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience, so they have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they also may receive mercy. For God has consigned all men to disobedience, that he may have mercy upon all." Romans 11: 30-32

Apóstol Pablo Noticias Urgente:
Todo el mundo es un pecador para que todos puedan recibir la misericordia de Dios - Libertad de juzgar a los demás!

De hecho, en otro tiempo ustedes fueron desobedientes a Dios; pero ahora, por la desobediencia de los israelitas, han sido objeto de su misericordia.  Así mismo, estos que han desobedecido recibirán misericordia ahora, como resultado de la misericordia de Dios hacia ustedes.  En fin, Dios ha sujetado a todos a la desobediencia, con el fin de tener misericordia de todos.  Romans 11: 30-32


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Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Vastness of God's Love - Mercy Rules!

The Servants of the Father of Mercy are founded on the Father showing extraordinary mercy to the younger son in the story Jesus told to illustrate the vastness of God's love, "Parable of the Prodigal Son." (Photo - Artist, Rembrandt's Prodigal Son)

Now, today Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York comes out in the news as being merciful too. Mercy rules!

AP writer reports today that former president of US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan — a proud Irishman and grand marshal of the city's historic St. Patrick's Day Parade will lead the first gay group to march in the coming St. Patrick’s Day Parade as a symbol of the Church's new focus on not judging, but being kind and merciful to all.

"I think we're seeing the Catholicism of Pope Francis come to the Archdiocese of New York," said J. Patrick Hornbeck, chairman of the theology department at Fordham University. "Cardinal Dolan's [action] is welcoming. He did not make this decision, but sees the parade as an opportunity for unity."

Pope Francis last year said church leaders should focus more on mercy than on divisive social issues. He famously said, "Who am I to judge?" when asked about gays and lesbians who are seeking God.

Cardinal Dolan's position on the parade is the latest of his gentler comments on gays and lesbians.

Last year, Dolan was asked on ABC's "This Week" about gay and lesbian Catholics who felt rejected by the church. "Well, the first thing I'd say to them is, 'I love you, too. And God loves you. And you are made in God's image and likeness,'" Dolan said.

When Missouri defensive end Michael Sam announced he was gay earlier this year, Dolan said, "Good for him."

"I would have no sense of judgment on him. God bless you," Dolan said in an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." "The same Bible that tells us that — teaches us well about the virtues of chastity — and the virtue of fidelity and marriage also tells us not to judge people. So I would say, 'Bravo.'"

As the St. Patrick's Day Parade has no direct ties to the church, but celebrates a Catholic saint has always been a key event for the city's Irish Catholics.

"My phone has been ringing off the hook with people who are upset," Lawler said. "Cardinal Dolan said, 'I'm sure there have been lots of homosexuals marching in the parade before,' but homosexuals identifying themselves seems a contradiction in honoring a [loving] Catholic saint."

Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, a Catholic gay rights group, said he thinks Dolan feels freer to take positions like his stand on the parade now that he is no longer the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

"I think he's able to be more of a pastor to the people of New York than he had been when he was on the national stage, bishops primarily are pastors and teachers and I think he's fulfilling that role," DeBernardo said. "I think Pope Francis has been teaching the bishops what being a pastor means."

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