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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Jesus, It's All About You: Happy New Year!


Jesus, It's All About You!

All of time belongs to Jesus. Tonight, it' been 2015 years since his birth. Time itself is centered around him. The end of this time will be ushered in by the soon return of Jesus to the earth and a new time will begin. Lord, even time itself belongs to you!

Jesús, él está todo sobre usted!
Todo el tiempo pertenece a Jesús. Esta noche, es sido 2015 años desde su nacimiento. El tiempo mismo se centra en torno a él. El final de este tiempo será anunciado por el pronto regreso de Jesús a la tierra y un nuevo tiempo comenzará. Señor, incluso el mismo tiempo le pertenece a usted!

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Asian Singing and Dancing Elvis!

Thanks to a small team in Orange County, they have been serving the poor homeless and old folks as Servants of the Father of Mercy since 2013!  Our dear brother Michael Valencia from Los Alamitos off the 605 was out serving the old folks in Orange County on Christmas Day. Thanks to Mark Burke in Anaheim for sending the update and photos!

Of all things, there was an Asian Elvis singing and dancing at St. Hedwig's Church special senior "Dinner for Those Who Are Alone."  Michael carved and served all the main course plates of turkey and ham donated by the wonderful people of the St. Hedwig's parish.  About 260 old folks were served Christmas day.  Michael and Mark say, "It's an honor to wear the colors of "The Servants" while serving the Lord and the poor."

Gracias a un pequeño equipo en el condado de Orange, que han estado al servicio de los pobres sin hogar y viejeitos como Siervos del Padre de Misericordia desde 2013!

Nuestro querido hermano Michael Valencia desde Los Alamitos de la 605 estaba cumpliendo los viejeitos en el Condado de Orange en el Día de Navidad. Gracias a Mark Burke en Anaheim para el envío de la actualización y las fotos!

De todas las cosas, había un canto asiática Elvis y el baile en la iglesia de Santa Eduvigis especial de alto nivel "Cena para los que están solos." Michael tallado y se sirve todos los platos principales de campo de pavo y jamón donado por la gente maravillosa de la parroquia de Santa Eduvigis. Cerca de 260 ancianos fueron atendidos el día de Navidad.

Michael y Marcos dicen, "Es un honor vestir los colores de "Los Siervos ", mientras que el servicio del Señor y de los pobres."

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

It Takes A Team!

Well, it takes a team of 100s and 100s - 1,00s of people throughout the United States and Canada to make one simple Christmas Season serving the poor at the Servants of the Father of Mercy a reality - the team in total is called "Servants of the Father of Mercy". So here we will try to bring to light the "Body of Christ" coming together to make homeless StreetReach, and our Christmastime Old Folks Ministry, Jesus' Birthday Party - "Youth & Family Night" and Homeless Subway Gift Cards as a team possible. Enjoy the pictures too at In gratitude to so many - "the Body of Christ, which is the Church" (Ephesians 1:26) . . . Together we are the "Servants of the Father of Mercy" and together we are the "Church."

Bueno, se necesita un equipo de 100s y 100s y 1,000s de personas en todo Estados Unidos y Canadá para hacer un simple Navidad servir a los pobres en los Siervos del Padre de Misericordia una realidad - el equipo en total se llama "Siervos del Padre Misericordia ". Así que aquí vamos a tratar de sacar a la luz el "Cuerpo de Cristo" que se unen para hacer StreetReach gentes sin hogar, y nuestra gente de Navidad Viejitos Ministerio, la Fiesta de Cumpleaños de Jesús - "Juventud y Familia de la Noche" y gentes sin hogar Subway Tarjetas de regalo como un equipo posible. Disfruta de las fotos En gratitud a tantos - "el Cuerpo de Cristo, que es la Iglesia" (Efesios 1:26). . . Juntos somos los "Siervos del Padre de Misericordia", y juntos somos la "Iglesia".

1. Awnings Plus: Stephanie, her daughter Gwenvieve and son-in-law Josh Heath for playing Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus at Youth & Family Night.

2. Our Lady of the Rosary Makers: Jane Boardman, St. Mary Magdalene, Camarillo, CA - Pauline DiMarco, Our Lady Star of the Sea, North Myrtle Beach, SC - Irene Haines, Our Lady of the Assumption, San Leandro, CA - Margaret Mary Marks, St. Mary's Church, Alberta, Canada - Rosemary Stiles, St. Monica Church, Seattle, WA for 1,000s of handmade rosaries.

3. Santa Clara High School Students, Mrs. Mack & Grades 9 - 12, Oxnard, CA: Creating 100s of hand painted pinecones as gifts for the old folks and homeless.

4. St. Mary Magdalene Church Grade School 7th Grade Class, Camarillo, CA - Crafting nearly 100 handmade Christmas cards for the homeless we delivered this Season.

5. Mendocino Farms, Mario del Pero, Sherman Oaks, CA - Donating dozens of $7 Subway Sandwich Gift Cards.

6. Noah's Bagels, Ron, General Manager, Ventura, CA - Donating nearly 1,000 fresh-made bagels.

7. Cathedral Our Lady of the Angels, Archbishop Jose Gomez, Bishop Clark, Our Lady of the Angels Region, Los Angeles, CA - Gifting more than 100 "Socks & Hygiene Kits."

8. Maracas Café, Mr. & Mrs. Maracas, Los Angeles, CA - Making 450 fresh hot pasta lunches for our homeless family.

9. Brio Bakery, Chef Dina and brother Joe, General Manager, Ventura, CA - 100s of cookies and pastries.

10. St. Peter's Italian Catholic Church, Casa Italiana, Cipriano, General Manager, Los Angeles, CA - Coordination of gifts of blankets, sweats, socks, hot food and more for 100s we serve in downtown Los Angeles.

11. Mark Burke & Michael Valencia, Anaheim/Costa Mesa, CA - Servants of the Father of Mercy serving the old folks and homeless in Orange County.

12. Luis Abrego and Miguel Dorado, Servants of the Father of Mercy, Santa Paula, CA - Facilitating 1,000s "Kairos Metanoia" conversions to Christ in So Cal and about 50 "Kairos" stocking and delivering supplies at StreetReach.

13. Cathy White and Daughter, Angelique, Servants of the Father of Mercy, Oxnard, CA - Cooking, baking and making 100s of treats for Jesus's Birthday Party, "Youth & Family Night."

14. Robert & Paula, Longmont, Colorado - Major donation to financially fund the Servants of the Father of Mercy this Christmas Season.

15. Monsignor Terrance Fleming, Executive Director, Mission Office, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA - Major donation to financially fund the Servants of the Father of Mercy this Christmas Season and beyond.

16. Christmas Ranch Tree Farms, Marilyn & Don, Owners, Thousand, Oaks, CA - Donating 12 foot Christmas Tree for the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Jesus' Birthday Party, Youth & Family Night."

17. Catholic Television Network, Fr. Robert Reed, President, Watertown, MA - Major donation to financially fund the Servants of the Father of Mercy this Christmas Season.

18. Fr. John Neiman our Spiritual Director and Penny, Betty, Tess and all the ladies of St. Mary Magdalene Rosary Prayer Group, Camarillo, CA - Offering Masses and praying daily without fail for the Servants of the Father of Mercy since 2008.

19. DWs Café, Teresa and Mario, Owners, Ventura, CA - "Dining Gift Certificates" for gifts at the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Jesus' Birthday Party Youth & Family Night."

 20. Sharky's, Bob, Dan and Derek, Owners, Ventura, CA - "Dining Gift Certificates" for gifts at the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Jesus' Birthday Party Youth & Family Night."

 21. Red Brick Pizza, James, Owner, Ventura, CA - "Dining Gift Certificates" for gifts at the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Jesus' Birthday Party Youth & Family Night."

22. Urbane Café, Tom, Owner, Ventura, CA - "Dining Gift Certificates" for gifts at the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Jesus' Birthday Party Youth & Family Night."

 23. Noah's Bagels, Ron, General Manager, Ventura, CA - "Dining Gift Certificates" for gifts at the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Jesus' Birthday Party Youth & Family Night."

 24. Mai and Tu Pham, Owners, Mai's Café, Ventura, CA - "Dining Gift Certificates" for gifts at the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Jesus' Birthday Party Youth & Family Night."

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Monday, December 22, 2014

USA Today Headline - Pope Francis to the Vatican Curia: Merry Christmas, you power-hungry hypocrites

Today USA Today and AP reports Pope Francis spoke his annual Christmas message to the Vatican's Curia, a group of various Vatican offices that assist the pope in his day-to-day leadership and is headed up by the College of Cardinals

Instead of a cheerful Christmas greeting, this year's message was a strong critique of the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, denouncing how . . .

1. Some of the men lust for power at all costs.

2. Live hypocritical double lives

3. Suffer from "spiritual Alzheimer's" that has made them forget they're supposed to be joyful men of God.

4. The "terrorism of gossip" is killing each other, our colleagues and brothers in cold blood.

5. Cliques among the men "enslave their members and is a cancer that eventually kills their friendship.

6.  Living hypocritical double lives causes spiritual emptiness that their education and degrees cannot save them.

7. Some of the men of the Curia suffer from spiritual ailments, dysfunctions, and illnesses.

8. Cardinals that lust for power even if it means defaming or discrediting others, even in newspapers or magazines, to show themselves as more capable.

9. Boasting the deception, the ailment of feeling immortal, immune or even indispensable.

10. Being vain.

11.Wanting to accumulate things.

12.Having a "hardened heart."

13.Kissing up to superiors for personal gain.

14.Having a "funeral face."

15.Being too "rigid, tough and arrogant," especially toward underlings.

16.Being work-a-holics and micro managing controlling obsessed.

17.Don't allow themselves to be surprised by the "freshness, fantasy and novelty" of the Holy Spirit.

18.Loss of sense of humor.

The Cardinals were apparently not amused, whereas at the conclusion, the Pope's speech was met with a soft and weak applause.

Pope Francis asked the bureaucrats to pray that these "wounds of the sins that each one of us carries are healed" and that the Church and Curia itself are made healthy.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Born Homeless On Christmas Day

"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received. How much money we have made. How many great things we have done. We will be judged by - 'I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you took me in.'" Mother Teresa

 Nacido sin hogar El día de Navidad
 "Al final de la vida que no seremos juzgados por cuántos diplomas hemos recibido ¿Cuánto dinero hemos hecho ¿Cuántos grandes cosas que hemos hecho Seremos juzgados por -..." Tuve hambre y me diste de comer. Estuve desnudo y me vestisteis. Yo estaba en la calle y me tomé en '". Madre Teresa


Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Pope Francis

Pope Francis marked his 78th birthday by the distribution of hundreds of sleeping bags to homeless people in Rome on Wednesday.  A van packed with 400 sleeping bags carrying a papal sign toured around Rome looking for homeless people to give them to. 
Please help about 100 homeless here in So Cal on Christmas Day in honor of Pope Francis' birthday. Donate as many as you would like $7 Subway Sandwich gift cards for distribution on Christmas morning on the streets and under bridges.  Please give your gift cards or a donation to one of the following Servants of the Father of Mercy as soon as possible: Catherine Delgado, Linda Scaramella, Miguel Dorado Rubio, Nancy Pena, Chino Gomes, Angelique Gabrielle Perez, Carmen Lozano, DiaClau Montevene, Blanca Cortez de Miranda, Rocio Maciel, Elva Rodriguez, Sandra Gonzalez, Celina Gonzales, Manuel Jimenez, Mark Burke, Michael Valencia, Luis Abrego John Sanders Jones or mail to Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, # A, Ventura, CA 93003. Donate online at (Please repost and share this request for homeless help with family and friends, God will bless you!)

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Want to Keep Christ in Christmas?

Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the stranger and the unwanted child, care for the sick and love your enemies.
Quiere mantener a Cristo en la Navidad? Alimentar al hambriento, vestir al desnudo, perdonar a los culpables, la bienvenida al extranjero y el hijo no deseado, la atención a los enfermos y amar a sus enemigos.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Magic of Christmas

Each year around about now there seems to be a bit of confusion among hedonists, pagans, atheists and fallen away Christians and even non-Christians as to why the magic and miracle of Christmas still beckons many in spite of their beliefs or non beliefs. Right now, perfectly committed non Christians and even "non-anythings" are slipping out to buy Christmas trees, decorate their homes, bake cookies, wrap and give gifts. Is it a human glitch? Or is it a hidden God-particle?

The mystical "je ne sais qua" (I don't know what) of Christmas that transcends and raptures us all - Jews, atheists, gentiles, Christians, young and old, gay and straight is the subtle reality of December bursting alive in spiritual realms with angles, light, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and God the Father set ablaze each year by the Holy Spirit. Without the mystical God-particle, Christmas each year would become just another boring 20th trip to Disneyland. Christmastime withstands time and inspires emotion not because of shopping malls, human greed and unbridled materialism, but because God is in it, driving it, through it, beyond it, above it, saturating it and loves when we participate in it, no matter who we are. Christmas is alive in everyone's hearts, if we let it, because God is alive, born again within the Season. Because he lives, we live!

Merry Christmas from Bro. Joseph and all the Servants of the Father of Mercy. 

Be sure to donate a little something this Christmas Season to help better serve the homeless in the region at:

Mail donations to:  Servants of the Father of Mercy, P. O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042.

Please share and repost this message of the "Magic of Christmas" to all your family and friends.

Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., nonprofit, tax exempt, 501 (c) 3, Association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

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Friday, December 5, 2014


Through the testimony of many saints we have come to understand that very few people go straight to heaven upon their death.  It appears as though about 99% of deaths end up in a place called purgatory; worse, hell. On the other hand some people are offered a near-death-experience and are sent back to earth for a mission.  About 1% may go direct to heaven.  Should you not believe in Purgatory, no worries, this post is not for you. You will find out when you get there.

What is the best way to escape the fires of hell or 50 to 100 years in Purgatory or more?  Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain mercy." Matthew 5:7  The Servants of the Father of Mercy offers the opportunity for ordinary people and families like you to join with a team immersed in giving mercy to the poorest of the poor.  Be merciful to the homeless and the Lord will be merciful to you at the hour of your death.

As Fr. Breitfeller, a military chaplain preached every Sunday in the same 10 second sermon for 25 years, "It's you soul, save it!"

See you this Sunday, 2p at the Servants of the Father of Mercy chapel and warehouse for lunch and a serving the homeless planning meeting.  Contact myself, Miguel Dorado, Catherine White, Chino Gomes or other Servants if you would like more information.

Heaven & Risk of Hell Calculator


Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Your December 24th and 25th is Planned, but December 26th?

We know what to do Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, but what about the day after Christmas? Come to the Servants of the Father of Mercy "Youth & Family Night" annual birthday party for Jesus. Invitation is attached. Mark your calendars and tie a string around your finger now so you won't forget. There will be lots of gifts, games prizes and more for children and adults!

Sabemos qué hacer víspera de Navidad, el día de Navidad, pero ¿y el día después de Navidad? Ven a los Siervos del Padre de la Misericordia "Juventud y Familia Noche" de la fiesta cumpleaños anual de Jesús. Invitación se adjunta. Marquen sus calendarios y atar una cuerda alrededor de su dedo ahora para que no se le olvide. Habrá un montón de regalos, juegos y premios más para niños y adultos!


Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Giving a Cup of Water in His Name

Jesus said you would be rewarded if you "give a cup of water in my name."  God bless the many Servants of the Father of Mercy team members this past Saturday who gave to the homeless in Ventura and Los Angeles water, apples, donuts, snack bags, jeans, shirts, shoes, toothpaste, socks and more.  You are blessed!  Here are pictures from the day. Please share with your family and friends. The next team meeting to plan to serve the homeless in December is this Sunday from 2 to 4pm - lunch will be served. If you would like to become a member of our team, come this Sunday.

Jesús dijo que sería recompensado si "da un vaso de agua en mi nombre." Dios bendiga a los numerosos agentes de las miembros Siervos del Padre de la Misericordia, el pasado sábado que dio a las personas sin hogar en Ventura y el agua de Los Ángeles, las manzanas, las donas, las bolsas de aperitivos, jeans, camisas, zapatos, pasta de dientes, calcetines y más. Tú eres bendita! Aquí están las fotos del día. Por favor, comparta con su familia y amigos. La próxima reunión del equipo para planificar para servir a los desamparados en diciembre de este domingo es de 2 a 4pm - almuerzo será servido. Si a usted le gustaría convertirse en un miembro de nuestro equipo, llegado este domingo.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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November's Youth & Family Night for our Team that Serves the Homeless

Here are some pictures from last Friday's Servants of the Father of Mercy "Youth and Family Night". Please share the photos with your family and friends. The children decorated a 10 foot tree having lots of fun. Thanks to Nancy Pena and Miguel Dorado Rubio for the homemade carrot cake. Thanks to everyone who cooked, baked and brought leftovers. The next family night is our annual Christmas party for Jesus' birthday, Friday, December 26th from 6 to 9pm.

Aquí hay algunas fotos de las ultimas viernes Siervos del Padre de la Misericordia, la Juventud y la Noche Familiar. Por favor, comparta las fotos con su familia y amigos. Los niños adornan un árbol de 10 pies con muchas decorations. Gracias a Nancy Peña y Miguel Rubio Dorado para el pastel de zanahorias. Gracias a todos los que cocinaba, al horno y trajo sobras. La noche siguiente la familia es nuestra fiesta anual de Navidad para el cumpleaños de Jesús, Viernes, 26 de diciembre de 6 a 9pm.


Servants of the Father of Mercy

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