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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Soap for Hope

Would anyone choose to be homeless?

Without access to basic sanitation necessities, humans are more susceptible to infections and illnesses. According to statistics from the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, homeless people typically live 28 fewer years than those who live in homes.

¿A alguien elige ser sin hogar?

Sin acceso a las necesidades básicas de saneamiento, los seres humanos son más susceptibles a las infecciones y enfermedades. Según las estadísticas de la Nacional de Salud para el Consejo sin hogar, las personas sin hogar suelen vivir 28 años menos que los que viven en los hogares.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Homeless Angel Award

This past Sunday, Servants of the Father of Mercy, Maggie Cervantes of Santa Paula, received the "Homeless Angel Award" for 7 years of making 100s and 100s of small kits containing fresh socks and hotel soaps for the homeless. Maggie just turned 70 as we celebrate her BIG heart! Enjoy the pictures . . .

El pasado domingo, Siervos del Padre de Misericordia, Maggie Cervantes de Santa Paula, recibió el "Premio Homeless Angel" durante 7 años de hacer 100s y 100s de pequeños kits que contienen los calcetines frescos y jabones de hotel para las personas sin hogar. Maggie acaba de cumplir 70 mientras celebramos su corazón GRANDE! Disfruta de las fotos.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Giving Homes to the Homeless

Utah has been giving homes to homeless since 2005!  How did they accomplish this? Simple. Utah solved homelessness by giving people mini affordable homes. In 2005 the state figured out that the annual cost of E.R. visits and jail stays for homeless people was about $16,670 per person, compared to $11,000 to provide each homeless person with an apartment and a social worker. So, the state began giving away apartments, with no strings attached. Each participant in Utah’s Housing First program also gets a caseworker to help them become self-sufficient, but they keep the apartment even if they fail. The program has been so successful that other states are hoping to achieve similar results with programs modeled on Utah’s.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Out of the Dark

"In order to trust God in the unknown darkness that comes at the moment of death, we must first trust Him in the darkness of daily challenges and the unknowns of life." + bro. joseph  "Trust in him at all times; you people, pour out your heart before him: God is for us a refuge." Psalm 62:8

"Con el fin de confiar en Dios en la oscuridad desconocida que llega en el momento de nuestra muerte, primero tenemos que confiar en él en la oscuridad de los desafíos diarios y las incógnitas de la vida." + bro. joseph "Esperad en él en todo momento, que la gente, derrama tu corazón delante de él: Dios es para nosotros refugio". Salmo 62: 8

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

He Will Rescue The Poor When He Cries Out

Traditional Epiphany Psalm
R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.

"For he shall rescue the poor when he cries out, and the afflicted when he has no one to help him.  He shall have pity for the lowly and the poor; the lives of the poor he shall save." Psalm 72:12-13

R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.
Tradicional Salmo Epifanía

R. Señor, todas las naciones de la tierra se postrarán ante ti.

"Porque él librará al pobre que clamare, y al afligido cuando no tiene a nadie que le ayudara Él tendrá compasión de los humildes y los pobres; las vidas de los pobres, porque El salvará." Salmo 72: 12-13
R. Señor, todas las naciones de la tierra se postrarán ante ti.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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