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Monday, November 30, 2015

Snack and Water Bottle Sunday

Yesterday, Saint Paul the Apostle Church in Westwood (Fr. Frank Desiderio parish for many years) hosted "Snack and Water Bottle Sunday." Parishioners brought water and food for the homeless in order to stock up giveaways over the holidays by the Servants of the Father of Mercy. May God bless everyone that gave as well as Fr. Daniel and Jimmy for setting it all up. God bless the volunteers too, Pam, Joel and family as well as Henry and Angela from Santa Paula.

Wheelchair Bound Miracle

On Saturday at around 11:30 in the morning, a homeless woman who is also a double amputee asked for one of the holiday blankets that the Servants of the Father of Mercy distributing out to the people living on the streets. The only problem was - we had just given out the last blanket when she arrived. She was very sad! Not more than two seconds later a car drives up, a lady gets out and gifts a blanket (photo) to the wheelchair bound woman. God works in mysterious ways!

Open your heart to 100s of Southern California Homeless Christmas Day! Sponsor today as many $5 Subway Sandwich gift cards as you would like for these poor souls. Your gift will be delivered Christmas morning.

Serve a sandwich by donating by check to - Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003 or online with a credit card at

The Servants of the Father of Mercy is a private association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a California corporation, IRS 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit, EIN 26 - 3855133 and listed in the Official Catholic Directory. All gifts are tax deductible.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Woes of People with Money

Jesus spoke and said . . . "But woe to you who are rich, for you are receiving now your comfort in full."  Luke 6:24

"Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten." James 5:1

Jesus spoke again and said . . . "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."  Matthew 10:25

Open your heart to 100s of Ventura Homeless Thanksgiving Day! Sponsor today as many $5 Subway Sandwich gift cards as you would like for these poor souls. Your gift will be delivered Thanksgiving morning. The children of St. Mary Magdalene grade school in Camarillo also made them handmade holiday greeting cards!

Serve a sandwich by donating with a credit card to - Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003 or online at
The Servants of the Father of Mercy is a private association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a California corporation, IRS 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit, EIN 26 - 3855133 and listed in the Official Catholic Directory. All gifts are tax deductible.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Si, se puede!

Here is the homeless ministry schedule for November, who is planning to help along with family and friends?
1. Thanksgiving Day, 10am, worship Thanksgiving liturgy and 10:30am departure to deliver Subway sandwich gift cards to the homeless in Ventura.
2. Friday, day after Thanksgiving, 6pm to 9pm Servants of the Father of Mercy, "Youth & Family Night" leftovers dinner, trim the tree and 30 minute award winning movie "The Ride."
3. Saturday, two days after Thanksgiving, 8:30am, meet at Servant of the Father of Mercy warehouse. By 9am depart for downtown Los Angeles to deliver 1,200 fresh, homemade turkey dinners, clothing and more to LA homeless.
4. Sunday, three days after Thanksgiving, 9am, meet at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Westwood, near the corner of Ohio Street and Westwood Ave. We will staff the doors of the church to receive gifts of water and food for the homeless at all the Sunday services until 2pm.
5. Sunday, November 15th, meet at 9am at Corpus Christi Church in Pacific Palisades. We will staff the doors of the church to receive gifts of blankets and jackets for the homeless at all the Sunday services until 2pm.
For more information about joining the November/December volunteer team, call Bro. Joseph at (310) 595-4175. Make donations by mail in order to sponsor $6 Subway sandwich gift cards that we will deliver on Thanksgiving and Christmas days - mail financial gifts to Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003, donate online at  Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name . . . will certainly not lose his reward." Mark 9:41
The Servants of the Father of Mercy is a private association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a California corporation, IRS 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit, EIN 26 - 3855133 and listed in the Official Catholic Directory.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Here is today's Bible quiz . . .

Who crucified Jesus?

A.  Poor desperate homeless
B.  Militant prostitutes
C.  Guys from the "Cave" gay bar in Jerusalem
D.  Adulterous synagogue goers
E.  Drunks from Jerusalem's Spearmint Rhino
F.  Cannabis addicts from Colorado
G.  The rich, powerful, self-righteous priests and leaders

How did you do?

If you said letter G, go to the school principal's office at the end of the day for your award!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Out of the Mouth of Children and Babies!

Well, the Bible tells us . . . "Out of the mouths of children and babies you have established strength on account of your adversaries, in order to silence the enemy and foe."  Psalm 8:2

And so it was this past October Halloween weekend, the children turned out with their moms and dads in order to silence the proud and to exalt the lowly. The kids came to help serve 70,000 + homeless in the Los Angeles area.  Now their lesson of innocent giving may live on in November and they may even inspire and teach us adults to leave pride behind and serve the poor broken homeless in December.

In the photos, you will see that Diego has granola bars to give, Rebecca has clothing to lay out and little Raj receives a toy truck from a homeless brother!

Enjoy the childlike joy - live the innocent inspiration!

"Christ remains with us not only through the Mass but in the 'distressing disguise' of the poor. To live with the poor is a contemplative vocation, for it is to live in the constant presence of Jesus" - Dorothy Day, +1980

For more information about joining the November/December volunteer team, call Bro. Joseph at (310) 595-4175. Make donations by mail in order to sponsor $6 Subway Sandwich gift cards that we will deliver on Thanksgiving and Christmas days - mail financial gifts to Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003, donate online at  Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name . . . will certainly not lose his reward." Mark 9:41

The Servants of the Father of Mercy is a private association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a California corporation, IRS 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit, EIN 26 - 3855133 and listed in the Official Catholic Directory.