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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Summer means fun, but not for everyone!

Here are some end-of-summer pics from last Saturday’s Servants of the Father of Mercy StreetReach to the hot, thirsty, hungry and dehydrated homeless in Los Angeles and Ventura areas.

Enrique Amezcua and wife Yanira brought their children Rebecca and Diego to serve alongside the adults. Through the heart of a child the poor receive love, hugs and cold water. Enjoy the photos and the inspiration!

Donate to the 80,000 + homeless served in Southern California since 2001 by Servants of the Father of Mercy - Just like Domino's Pizza, "We Deliver!" - Food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, hygiene kits, rosaries, loves, hugs, prayers and more from Orange County to Los Angeles, Ventura County, Indio, Palm Desert and Cathedral City, California. Donate to the 1,000s of dollars in truck maintenance, insurance and fuel costs online at or mail to Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003.

Live love! Be a homeless volunteer in the California desert, Orange County, Los Angeles or Ventura areas. Contact a team leader on Facebook - Bro. Gary Joseph, Mark Burke or Barbara Rounds or post in the comments below.

Remember Me!

“Remember me? I live all alone. I lay in your sick-beds and wait for your footsteps. Remember me. Remember me.” Joe Wise

Here are pics from last Friday evening Servants of the Father of Mercy “Youth & Family Night.” The children, adults, moms, dads and families decorated fall pine cones as gifts for “old folks” in area nursing homes. Enjoy the inspiration!

Donate to the 80,000 + homeless served in Southern California since 2001 by Servants of the Father of Mercy - Just... like Domino's Pizza, "We Deliver!" - Food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, hygiene kits, rosaries, loves, hugs, prayers and more from Orange County to Los Angeles, Ventura County, Indio, Palm Desert and Cathedral City, California. Donate to the 1,000s of dollars in truck maintenance, insurance and fuel costs online at or mail to Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003.

Live love! Be a homeless volunteer in the California desert, Orange County, Los Angeles or Ventura areas. Contact a team leader on Facebook Bro. Gary Joseph, Mark Burke or Barbara Rounds or post in the comments below.

Monday, August 22, 2016


The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" Let the one who hears say, "Come!" And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely. Revelation 22:17

Donate to the 80,000 + homeless served in Southern California since 2001 by Servants of the Father of Mercy, Just like Domino's Pizza, "We Deliver!" - Food, water, clothing, shoes, ...socks, hygiene kits, rosaries, loves, hugs, prayers and more from Orange County to Los Angeles, Ventura County, Indio, Palm Desert and Cathedral City, California. Donate to the 1,000s of dollars in annual truck maintenance, insurance and fuel costs online at or mail to Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003.

Live love! Be a volunteer in the California desert, Orange County, Los Angeles or Ventura. Contact a team leader on Facebook Bro. Gary Joseph, Mark Burke or Barbara Rounds or post in the comments below.

A few months ago this homeless man survived a gang shooting to his head and body while he slept behind a Walmart near the Palm Springs International Airport.

On Sunday, August 21, 2016, Jamieson, eighteen-year-old culinary arts student delivers pre-frozen bottles of water to homeless daily exposed to extreme heat and dehydration in the California desert. The frozen water bottles are delivered monthly in the region of Indio, Palm Desert, Palm Springs and Cathedral City by the Servants of the Father of Mercy. The warehouse's brand new Haier freezer was donated recently by a Vietnamese family, friends of Mai Pham and Mai's Café.

Luke, a homeless man downs a pre-frozen bottle of water and lives daily exposed to extreme heat and dehydration in the California desert near Indian Wells, CA. The frozen water bottles are delivered monthly to the homeless living in the hills of Indio, Palm Desert, Palm Springs and Cathedral City by the Servants of the Father of Mercy,1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA. The warehouse's brand new Haier freezer was donated recently by a Vietnamese family, friends of Mai Pham and Mai's Café.

A homeless man retires his ripped and torn old sneakers for a new pair delivered by the Servants of the Father of Mercy,1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA on Sunday, August 21, 2016 in the California desert, near Palm Springs.

On Sunday, August 21, 2016 a homeless man drank a pre-frozen bottle of water and lives daily exposed to extreme heat and dehydration in the California desert near Cathedral City, CA. He then momentarily collapsed on the cement from the refreshment and contentment. The frozen water bottles are delivered monthly to the homeless living in the hills of Indio, Palm Desert, Palm Springs and Cathedral City by the Servants of the Father of Mercy,1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA. The warehouse's brand new Haier freezer was donated recently by a Vietnamese family, friends of Mai Pham and Mai's Café.

A homeless woman sorts through hygiene kits also containing fresh socks for her and her homeless family behind a Circle K in Cathedral City, CA, Sunday, August 21, 2016.

A seventy-year-old homeless man living in sweltering desert heat gains comfort, ice cold water and snacks while speaking with team leader Barbara Rounds of the Servants of the Father of Mercy,1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA, Sunday, August 21, 2016.

Normal daytime summer temperatures in the California desert cities range from 110 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Homeless men and day workers in the Palm Desert gardening and landscape industry are thankful for ice water and snacks delivered by the Servants of the Father of Mercy,1544 Morse Avenue, Ventura, CA, Sunday, August 21, 2016.

Normal daytime summer temperatures in the California desert cities range from 110 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


1. Friday, August 26th, 6pm to 9pm "Youth and Family Night" fall dinner and treats for the team. At this annual event the adults, moms, dads and kids decorate pinecones and place them in clay pots and in September we visit area nursing homes and give the crafts as gifts to old folks for their nightstand or tray table. Great way to get into the fall spirit at the Servants of the Father of Mercy HQ, 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003. Tel (310) 595-4175 Bring guests.

2. Saturday, August 27th, 11am to 1pm StreetReach serving the homeless with delivery of supplies in downtown Los Angeles under the bridges, alleyways and city streets - food, water, clothing, rosaries, love, hugs and more. Meet at 11am sharp at St. Peter's Church, 1039 North Broadway, Chinatown, Los Angeles, 90012. Tel (310) 595-4175 Bring guests.

3. The second, third and fourth Sundays in September, 2pm to 5pm volunteer team lunch, prayer and planning meeting to do a better job serving the 80,000 + homeless we help in the region. Attend any Sunday - great way to get plugged in when you have a Sunday afternoon available and enjoy a great lunch too! 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003

4. Fall Team Mass with Fr. John Neiman, Friday September 30th, Mass at 6pm, dinner to follow. There will be a Mass music practice here the night before at 6pm for musicians/singers that can make it.

5. There are important independent services one can help the homeless, self-directed, on your own time schedule with family and friends - collect hotel soaps and shampoos from people who travel, gather gently used clean men's socks and underwear, bags of men's jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. Also collect gifts of snacks such as Smart & Final 24 count variety chip packs, Costco 50 piece cookie and crackers assortment, turkey jerky, fruits/Jell-O/Pudding cups, 24 count bottled water, etc.

6. Independently you can host a youth and adult 50s sock hop at church or at home, play the music of the times and guests bring socks for the homeless, theme the event with burgers and ice cream sundaes, etc.

7. A person can contact online resources such as Puma, Adidas, Fruit of the Loom and other manufacturing plants for donations of shoes and clothing for the homeless by going through the company's email system. They can supply 80,000+ homeless in the So Cal region with whatever they can give, new or seconds - ship to Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Avenue, Suite A, Ventura, CA 93003 All gifts are tax deductible.

Let us know if you see anything you would like to do? You will gain eternal graces for you and your family for serving the homeless when you can!  Contact Bro. Gary Joseph at (310) 595-4175

Here is some more information . . .

Donate to the 80,000 + homeless ...served in Southern California since 2001 by Servants of the Father of Mercy, Just like Domino's Pizza, "We Deliver!" - Food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, hygiene kits, rosaries, loves, hugs, prayers and more from Orange County to Los Angeles, Ventura County, Indio, Palm Desert and Cathedral City, California. Donate to 100s of dollars in truck maintenance, insurance and fuel costs online at

Servants of the Father of Mercy, IRS 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, tax-exempt California Corporation Association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and listed in the Official Catholic Directory.

Orange County California StreetReach to the Homeless - Delivering out onto on the Streets, Food, Water, Clothing, Love, Hugs and More!

Team Leader, Mark Burke (R) and Servant, Craig Palm (L)

"Live Love!"  Volunteer with the OC Servants of the Father of Mercy.  The next team planning meeting to organize delivery  of supplies to the homeless is Sunday October 30, 2016  at 3 pm.  Contact the OC team leader Mark Burke or Craig Palm and Michael Valencia or call us at (310) 595-4175 for more information.

Donate to the 80,000 + homeless served in Southern California since 2001 by Servants of the Father of Mercy, Just like Domino's Pizza, "We Deliver!" - Food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, hygiene kits, rosaries, loves, hugs, prayers and more from Orange County to Los Angeles, Ventura County, Indio, Palm Desert and Cathedral City, California. Donate to 100s of dollars in truck maintenance, insurance and fuel costs conveniently online at

Servants of the Father of Mercy, IRS 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, tax-exempt California Corporation Association of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and listed in the Official Catholic Directory.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sun, Sea, Pizza - Homeless with Pope Francis

Pope Francis treats homeless to pizza, day at the beach . . .

August 14, 2016

VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope Francis this summer is treating dozens of Rome's homeless to a day at the beach and dinner in a pizzeria on the way back.

The pontiff's almsgiver, Polish monsignor Konrad Krajewski, told the La Stampa daily he drives a van with 10 people to a beach near Rome for a dip in the sea, sunbathing and then pizza. The Vatican supplies the swimsuits and beach towels.

Krajewski told Italian state radio Sunday the afternoon outings reflect the homeless' "desire for normality" in their lives.

Many of them live near Vatican City, where, at Francis' direction, showers and barbers have been set up on the edge of St. Peter's Square for their use.

Aided by Swiss Guards, the almsgiver also distributes hot meals to homeless people at Italian train stations.


Donate to the 80,000 + homeless served in Southern California since 2001 by Servants of the Father of Mercy, Just like Domino's Pizza, "We Deliver!" - Food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, hygiene kits, rosaries, loves, hugs, prayers and more from Orange County to Los Angeles, Ventura County, Indio, Palm Desert and Cathedral City, California.  Donate to 100s of dollars in truck maintenance, insurance and fuel costs online at

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Mama Mia!

Police in a Rome neighborhood have come to the "rescue" of an elderly, quarreling couple by cooking them two plates of pasta.

Police headquarters said Tuesday that neighbors called police one recent, hot summer night because the 94-year-old man and the 89-year-old woman - married for nearly 70 years - were doing lots of shouting.

According to a police statement, "it can happen, as it did this time, that they were yelling out so strongly, in the end someone called police."

The statement said the four officers realized there was no crime in progress, just "two souls to reassure." They set to work treating them to dinner, using ingredients at their disposal: spaghetti, butter, cheese plus a "precious ingredient - all their humanity."

Thursday, August 4, 2016


be the exception in a world without mercy
be open to forgiving
be the one welcoming and embracing the homeless and the marginalized
be open to another view point
be resistant to returning anger for anger – hate for hate
be open to loving others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy
be who you were called to be
be open to receiving the unseen love others have to offer
in a world seemingly gone mad with pain and grief and lack of forgiveness
today and everyday - be


John Sanders Jones
Servants of the Father of Mercy