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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Wheel Estate Boom

The new Servants of the Father of Mercy "Mobile Rescue Mission" compliments our StreetReaches that since 2001 serve 80,000 + homeless in Southern California and beyond . . .  Currently, the mobile unit outreaches to 25,000 "Wheel Estate" homeless in the region living off-grid in camp grounds, RV parks, parking lots and on our city streets.  From the basics like camping supplies, food and water to counseling and pastoral care they receive deliveries of varied and unique attention.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Summer Schedule

Dear Team, Family, Friends, Supporters and Donors,

The long-awaited summer schedule is being distributed this Memorial Day Weekend at our 12th annual weekend retreat.
From serving 1000s of Downtown Los Angeles homeless to a Red Brick Pizza Anniversary Celebration in Ventura to the parched homeless living in 120-degree summer heat in Palm Desert - this newsletter has it all . . .  Good news, however!
You are receiving a copy as well in a JPEG photo file format below so you can save and print copies for your home or office. 
At the end of August there will be a new publication with the schedule for Fall and the December Holidays.
God bless you for caring and sharing the homeless missionary events and StreatReaches of the Servants of the Father of Mercy.  Bro. Gary +
P.S. Got questions?  Feel free to leave a comment below!

Confirm Your Dinner Reservation Now!


At our annual team retreat this past weekend, the insight unanimously came up that the weekly killing of school students in the US is the culmination of a very slow process of killing off God in the classroom since the 1960s.  Since that time, many fought to remove prayer from school and later removed any mention of God in the classroom. 
Like abortion, the more that an entire country conspires to kill God off in various ways, they can also expect anarchy to consume the people.  Of course Paul predicted this when he said . . . "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,  inhuman, relentless in evil, slanderers, extravagant, fierce, haters of good,  treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,  holding the form of religion but denying the power of it." 2 Timothy 3  

So believe it or not, the return of the Lord is very soon, we just don't know the day or the hour.  However, we do know the season as Jesus defined it and he said that the generation living in that season, they will witness his return. That's us!  Moral of the story, everyone should be getting ready as if His coming is tomorrow.  How?  By being clothed in garments of charity, mercy, love and compassion and thereby confirming their dinner reservation in heaven!
A public service announcement of the Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc.  "Bringing our Homeless Home." Donate at

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Love Pepper!

"Pepper" has been on my mind a lot lately.  We've had the privilege to love and serve this young man in his brokenness and poverty since 2001. 

Pepper is filled with an internal joy and natural desire to help others.  Over time he has become widely known as the "Mayor of Downtown" Los Angeles. 

Not many years ago he saw me under a bridge, gave a big hug and said "I follow God now!"  He also tossed his weapons over the bridge into the LA River.  Here is a minute movie short, "Pepper!"  Pray for him, he will steal your heart . . .

P.S. Please remember help the Servants of the Father of Mercy.  Just like Dominoes' "We Deliver!" supplies to 80,000 + homeless   Thank you, Bro. Joseph +

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Approximately 25,000 of the 80,000 homeless in Southern California have joined the "Wheel Estate Boom" and are now lodging in automobiles, late-model Winnebago's and make-shift trailers.  With average apartment rents in the region exceeding $1,400 a month, homeless have turned to the streets, Walmart parking lots, churches and RV camp sites to make ends-meat.  "Mobile Homeless" make no apologies in the Golden State where the working poor cannot find stable housing.  Their new motto?  "God loves trailer trash too!"

Monday, May 14, 2018

It's a Guy Thing!

Pray for our brother Cody?  Various census have pinpointed 85% percent of the homeless in the US are just "boys" and men.  Being homeless truly is a gender issue.  It is also a national issue too.  Forty-five percent of our homeless family are war veterans and only 4% are women.  Men are more likely to experience combat, mental illness and PTSD that leaves their friends and family unable to cope.  Homeless men should be everyone's concern along with women and children!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Who all is coming on the 12th Annual "Youth & Family" Servants of the Father of Mercy retreat?

"On this retreat, just give God a small bit of your time and God will give you back a hundred-fold an eternity of time!"  Bro. Joseph +

Who all is coming on the 12th Annual "Youth & Family" Servants of the Father of Mercy retreat?

 * * * When?  May 25, 26, 27 (meals included, rooms available)

 * * * Where? Siena Prayer Center, 1931 Poli Street

 * * * Who? You and your family!

* * * What?  Monsignor Liam Kidney pastor of Corpus Christi Church and Bro. Gary Joseph founder of Servants of the Father of Mercy takes us all on a journey of "Adoption, whereby we cry out 'Abba Father.'"

* * * RSVP in the comments below for a lifetime of inspiration!

"On this retreat, give God a small part of your year and God will give you back a year that does not fall apart!"  Bro. Joseph +

Friday, May 11, 2018

Thank You Mom!


“And the Lord God said to the serpent, because you have done this, I will put at war between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed; she shall crush your head, and you will lie in wait at her heel” (Gen. 3:15).

Paraphrased . . . “Since you have made use of Eve to lead mankind into sin, I will make use of a woman to bring about the redemption of humankind. The woman I will choose and prepare, inferior to you by nature, will be superior in grace and glory to what you were before your fall, and more powerful than you and all your rebellious followers. Never for a moment will you be able to seduce her as you did Eve, or have dominion over her. With the power of the Church, her children, she will crush your head. Mary will be My instrument in your humiliating defeat, and your eternal shame and damnation.”

Thank you mom . . .  Happy Mother's Day to each mother one and all and a special shout out to those called "Mary!"  Bro Joseph +

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Confirm Your Adoption!

"By helping the lost and forsaken, we confirm our own adoption as children of God."  Bro. Gary Joseph

Donate a little something today for the 80,000 + homeless we serve in Southern California and beyond ...

Confirmation of Your Adoption - Seek the Truth About Your Birth . . .

"By helping the lost and forsaken, we confirm our own adoption as sons and daughters of God!" Bro. Gary Joseph +

“Behold, what manner of love the Father has lavished upon us. That we should be called children of God."  1 John 3

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Explore Your Adoption May 25 - 27!




MAY 25 - 27, 2018


Reserve Now to Attend in the Comments Below!

A Three-Day Retreat at the Siena Prayer Center, 1931 Poli Street, Ventura, CA 93001 . . .


Overnight accommodations available for out of towners!


Includes all meals, snacks and retreat!


Monsignor Liam Kidney returns this year as our retreat's spiritual guide. Join him and us for a lifetime of spiritual wealth and inspiration!


Take the 101 to Ventura, CA. Exit Seaward Ave. in downtown Ventura. Go east 4 stop lights. Take a left on Main Street. The next block to the right is Santa Cruz, (just past Mai’s Café). Go right on Santa Cruz Street. The street dead ends, drive straight ahead, 1931 Poli St. Enter the parking lot and drive to the right, circle back behind the buildings. Park in the back, Siena House of Prayer is on your left.


Or arrive by Amtrak, just minutes away!