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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Downtown Los Angeles

Let Petula Clark's flashback Downtown take you on a journey to Downtown Los Angeles! A movie-short starring 80,000 + homeless in the Los Angeles area.
Produced by "Mercy Homeless Productions" of the Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc. Like Domino's Pizza we deliver monthly to 1000s of homeless from the beaches to Palm Desert since 2001 critical and urgent supplies for the poor.
Have a heart. Volunteer on the team today. Leave a message below or call the number at the end of the movie-short.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Homeless in America - A Blog for the Crushed Curious

Homeless in America - A Blog Discovering Everyone's Brokenness Since 2006 and a Quarter Million Visitors!

Packed with thousands of short stories and articles for personal inspiration, the news media, bloggers and the crushed curious!

Published by . . . "The Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc."


Helen Parsons shared a wonderful homemade video of the ladies singing "Imagine" at the homeless ministry "Brother Benno's" in Oceanside, CA near San Diego. Really beautiful adaptation dedicated to all individuals that are homeless! (Helen operates a wonderful labor of love "Brother Benno's Thrift Store" raising funds for the homeless in the area.)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Gertrude Loves the Homeless!

Gertrude has asked us for prayer!  She is 96 years old, loves to read and pray.  Gertrude lives in Kansas, yet monthly she sends a little donation from her Social Security check, sharing her love with the 80,000 + homeless we serve in Southern California.  May God bless her and be with Gertrude as she lives all alone, still at her home.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Long and Winding Road

Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc. and "Mercy Homeless Productions" present our newest movie-short titled, "Long and Winding Road".

Produced for YouTube and the Internet, the movie chronicles our homeless family living in the California desert in brutally hot and dehydrating conditions.  Daily they battle heat stroke, starvation and death.  

Reach out in support of these poor souls today with a "thumbs up" and a comment to join our all-volunteer team serving 80,000 + homeless in Los Angeles, Ventura and San Bernardino Counties and beyond . . .  

Since 2001 we're American missionaries serving Americans and bringing our homeless home!

Prayers for Michael

Michael was shot in the head minding his own business while sleeping in the desert behind a building in a commercial shopping plaza three years ago. Pray for him, he has never been the same.

Friday, September 21, 2018

What is Faith?


As Abraham has shown us, faith is walking through one's life trusting God's plan, even with all the pain, suffering and death that may loom on the horizon. 

Abraham believed God and yet was willing to offer his only son.

So, Isaac, dead or alive, Abraham still believed God and that he would be the father of many nations. 

Faith is Faith because it goes with us believing through the chaos, not around it!

Bro. Joseph +
Servants of the Father of Mercy

Monday, September 10, 2018


There should be no liberals in America, just the merciful.

No conservatives, just the compassionate.

No liberals, just the forgiving.

No conservatives, just kindness.

No liberals, just the patient.

No conservatives, just love.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Many Woes of Being a Hypocrite!

"Jesus never spoke judgmentally about anyone!" 1 Peter 2:23  There was not once a bad word toward prostitutes, gays, abortion or anyone else of us that comprise humankind, all who struggle and suffer with brokenness and sin.

However Jesus hated hypocrites (called them fools, vipers, snakes and children of hell) and spoke 7 woes against these religious that orchestrated his crucifixion. Hypocrites, they are people that think they are perfect but have their own dark secrets - sins, failures and shortcomings while ostracizing others.  Hypocrites are the only people Jesus warned us about and told parables condemning them.  Cf. Matthew 23:1-39

Whether you are a non-church goer, prayerful Christian, a daily Mass goer, pastor, priest or bishop - to call out, name and persecute others while hiding your own contradictions, sins and weaknesses is a surefire way to be on the wrong side of God on judgment day. 

Jesus said, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:2

There is an alternative!  Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful, they will receive mercy."  Matthew 5:7