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Sunday, November 24, 2019

The "Golden Girls"!

Sr. Gloria (photo) welcomed yesterday Servants of the Father of Mercy to St. Catherine of Siena Convent where 25 missionary nuns are living out their golden years. (Just like the "Golden Girls" but + 20!)

Each sister received a holiday craft (photo) handmade in October by our Youth & Family. During their lunchtime, gifting to the sisters was handled by Monica Rocha, her son Adrian and Mary Lantgen. May God bless the sisters and all the Servants that participated making and delivering the gits.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


A dad received from his ten-year-old daughter today this Christmas wish list (photo) that he posted on Twitter. Apparently, he is not very happy about being handed the note.  Her list includes a number of expensive items, including a MacBook Air, Gucci Slides and a luxury brand Chanel purse. Other items include a real bunny and $4,000 cash!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Shedding Light on Suffering!

Thanks to everyone that gave time, talent, energy and resources building 14 solar Stations of the Cross devotion at the top of the ranch near the gates! Special thanks to Eddie and Veronica as well as Miguel!