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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Diary of a Coronavirus Survivor - Tips and Tales!

So far, thanks be to God I am a Coronavirus survivor.  In 2005, September 26th, I also survived a heart-attack, dead for thirty minutes.  Now, I am a survivor in more ways than one!

Please help many others and share my post with them because someone, somewhere, someday may find my first-hand Coronavirus information helpful in a time of need.

1. On March 19th at the age of 65, I entered a small store just feet behind a young lady who as I walked in was telling the front desk clerk that she just got back from China and had the virus.

2.  In the following days the eyes became dry and itchy and mild postnasal drip.  On March 23rd a sore throat started.

3.  On March 24th at 2pm in just a matter of a few seconds it felt like being run over by a truck.

4.  By 2:30pm I put into action a very sketchy "virus attack plan" that I scribbled on a sheet of paper two weeks before "just in case."

5.  I immediately self-quarantined until this very day, April 15th.  I had an unused Z-pack and started taking it immediately in order to prevent secondary bacterial infections caused by a weakened immune system.  Also, off label Z-pack is known to fight inflammation in viral situations.

6.  On March 24th, by mid-afternoon I also started an almost daily routine of the following supplements: B complex, B 12, D3, E, 25mg Zinc and C.

7.  I had three cans of recreation oxygen in storage and augmented breathing with small bits of oxygen throughout the day. Since that time more cans have arrived and continue to use it as needed almost daily.

8.  From day 1 to present, I never had a fever or congestion.  It affects everyone differently.  However, on day 11, April 3rd in the flash of just a few moments the virus went into the chest. Intense pain of being kicked in the chest and difficulty breathing.

9.  On day 12, April 4th I began taking a new Z-pack in combination with Zinc and hydroxychloroquine for inflammation of the lungs.  Dr. Anthony Cardillo of Los Angeles had discovered that Zinc in combination with other medications was turning around difficult Covid-19 patients in just eight hours.

10.  On day 17 I began to realize the hydroxychloroquine was causing heart arrhythmia so I discontinued taking it.  Since that time new studies in Brazil have shown the drug can cause heart problems especially in people that already have those issues.

11.  Also on day 17 I began to realize that just like the hospital after surgery, the nurses like to get you out of bed and walking as soon as possible.  Although tired, I forced myself to get up, walk and do small tasks three times a day.  I also added breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale 15 times and do three sets three times a day.  It may hurt.  I also added every few breaths inhaling from the oxygen cans and holding it.

12.  On day 17 (wish I would have done it sooner) I sat in a recliner chair and used an electric back massage to stimulate the lungs once or twice a day for 15 minutes each.  Most of the lungs are located in the back, not in the chest.

13.  On day 18 I had also ordered and began to use a Sunbeam combination heating pad and massage.  Place it on the mid-back while resting in bed for 10 minutes a few times in a day.

14.  On day 12, because I take blood pressure medication, I noticed that the difficulty breathing was increasing blood pressure.  So with doctor's permission I increased the BP medication extra 25 milligrams per day for about a week also taking 1 baby aspirin per day.

15.  The virus and medications do cause thirst.  I drank lots of low sodium soups, water, diluted orange juice, diluted cranberry juice, sugar-free popsicles and fresh lemon mint tea from the garden.  Caffeine in coffee constricts the lungs and worsens the breathing problem so I changed to decaffeinated after discovering that.  Also, anything with high salt like Campbell's Soup increases the body's water retention and therefore increases damaging inflammation in the heart and lungs caused by the virus.

16.  Any virus will thrive in the stomach and colon.  Important to eat lots of oatmeal, fiber and Cheerios to remove it from the body, especially with fever.  Since the time of Mr. Kellogg, its been well known that fevers and infections can be reduced with the use of clean, warm and filtered water enemas as well.

17.  A personal supply of supportive medications are also important to have as necessities to your "war on the virus".  For nausea I used Promethazine, 1 tablet PRN and Pepto Bismol.  The first 7 days of the virus I also used Tylenol Extra Strength, 2 tablets 3 x daily.  I also used Ativan, 1 tablet twice daily because the virus attacks the Central Nervous System (CNS) and leaves you feeling totally not yourself. It also helps to keep you resting during the first phase where using up any energy and getting run down could ruin the recovery process.  For mucous, the little bit I had I used Musinex. For cough, I used Coricidin HBP Cold and Cough.  For those that are diabetic, be sure to take your medication and test daily.

18.  Although tired, prayer is vital and was very simple but effective.  Say over and over a simple mantra in your head or out loud - something like, "Jesus I Trust in You" or "Thank you God for your help!" If you hit a bump in the road, ask God to help you. Then listen because He will give you an idea or someone will call and help.

19.  I had to remind myself that they call medical offices a "Doctor's Practice."  Keep telling myself, "they are only practicing."  You have to be your own doctor.  You have to be your own advocate.  Do not take "no" for an answer.  Go somewhere else until you get the help you need.  Stay educated and read up on treatments like this post.  Talk to others who have gone through it.  We are all learning together.

20.  As I write this post it has been a total of 23 days.  I am still weak and recovering. They say full recovery could take 2 - 3 months especially for those like myself that are in the group 55 and older.  I will keep adding to this post as I recover, God willing and add pieces of information that I may have forgotten.  

Please share my survivor post with as many family and friends as is possible.  It does not mean that you or they have become preppers!  It just means that right now you need the information that gives you, your family and friends the power to navigate through difficult and uncharted waters.


Brother Gary Joseph, s.F.m.
Author, "Proof of the Afterlife 2"
Founder/President "Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc."

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Jesus, the only person ever to conquer death, even death on a cross!

Heaven has no conservatives or liberals!


 Thus says the LORD . . . "Sodom and Gomorrah's sins were NOT what you think. But they were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her doors." Ezekiel 16:49

See Jesus' "Story of the Rich Man", Luke 16:19.