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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Who Is The I AM Inside All Of Us We Must Get To Know? 6,000 years of I AM. The I AM of Moses. I AM of the burning bush. I AM of the burning mountain. I AM the Resurrection. I AM the way. Explorer ones self, I AM made in the image and likeness of God. Discover Descartes, “I think, therefore, I AM.” Then God said to Moses, “Tell them, 'I Am Who I Am.' When you go to the Israelites, tell them, 'I Am' sent me to you.” – Exodus 3:14


Forthcoming Worldwide Destruction – What’s the Escape Plan Before Jesus Returns? God graciously provided a way to ESCAPE the coming judgment through His Son Jesus Christ. The Earth is filled with war, violence, and murder. There is coming in 2023-2030 a great tribulation on earth caused by mankind as well as seven bowls of wrath unleashed by seven angels authorized to pour out God’s wrath upon the Earth. Jesus Christ will first come in 2023 to evacuate the saints. After seven years of terrible times, he returns and sets up a Theocracy for 1,000 years, 2030 – 3030. He will rule with a rod of iron tempered by perfect love, justice, and mercy. Everyone should be encouraged to get on the correct team and have an exit plan out of this global nightmare that has never been seen on Earth and never will be ever again. “Do you suppose, —you who judge those who practice bad things and yet do them yourself—that you will ESCAPE the judgment of God? So, when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on others and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's coming judgment?” – Apostle Paul, Romans 2:3


Saturday, November 11, 2023

20 Prophets Prophesy 2023 - 2030 Earth Shattering Events God always sends people prophets throughout time to warn us of what’s coming. It’s not a question of who’s talking but who’s listening. Jesus said in a recent dream October 2023, “Look around you, the signs of the end are everywhere.” God is love. A tragedy of epic proportions for anyone is to be left behind and possibly separated from God’s love for all of eternity. Make a decision now for Christ before he returns any day now.


Does God Predestine Individuals for Heaven? 10 Signs God Predestined You for Heaven A person cannot say they have not been predestined simply because they don’t believe in Jesus now. Who is to say they won’t believe in the future? So if you are concerned you have not been predestined, ask yourself this: Do you want to believe the gospel? Do you wish you were going to heaven? God is love. A tragedy of epic proportions for anyone is to be left behind and possibly separated from God’s love for all of eternity. Make a decision now for Christ before he returns any day now.


Prophetic Warning - Coming A One - World Beast & Antichrist Trump 666 Trump shares nuclear secrets. China and Russia back Trump U.S. coup. Marshall law. China supplies the soldiers policing U.S. cities. Mass murder. Russia nukes U.S. cities. Antichrist Trump heads one-world government. Jesus returns in 2030 for 1,000 years. Judgment and hellfire; dumps Trump et al in hell. God is love. A tragedy of epic proportions for anyone is to be left behind and possibly separated from God’s love for all of eternity. Make a decision now for Christ before he returns any day now.