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Saturday, March 30, 2024

JESUS CHRIST IS THE NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN AND HE RULES AND REIGNS WITH MERCY AND JUSTICE FOR ONE THOUSAND YEARS FROM 2030 TO 3030 "Jesus Christ disarmed the evil spiritual rulers, powers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross." Colossians 2:15


In Eastertime's New Video "Final Four Vision Messages" (Below) are Critical Last Visions given in March 2024 1. All four messages point to Christ taking the church home, imminently evacuating His disciples worldwide in a mass Exodus of Biblical proportions. 2. The antichrist is revealed and rises to power immediately thereafter. 3. All takes place between the lunar eclipse March 25 and the solar eclipse on April 8. 4. The antichrist, "the little horn trumpet" of prophet Daniel is Trump. 5. The antichrist, the "man of lawlessness" of Apostle Paul is Trump. 6. Trump is the devil incarnate, the antichrist and he becomes the global leader of the world Beast under US, China and Russian dictatorial murderous dominance. 7. Anyone living through 2024 to 2030 is to expect and prepare for global bloodshed as the Beast takes over the world 🌍 8. In 2027 - 2030 God unleashes 21 judgments upon the Earth terminating 2/3 of the population. 9. Christ returns in 2030 to rule and reign with justice and peace for 1,000 years, 2030 to 3030. All the people in the world, our family and friends need to take quick notice that the handwriting is on the wall. Everyone must wake up for their own salvation and be jolted alert to the signs all around them. No one should sleepwalk through life as in the past but stay awake. The night is far spent and NOW is the day of the Lord, the day of salvation for those who repent of trumpism, lies, hate, racism, murder and apostasy. Any day now, millions of trumpers are going to be so sorry when the Body of Christ is gone and each is left here to deal with their pride and demonic issues. Many may convert after the fact but deal with revengeful dictators of their choosing. Rapture 2024 Final | 4 Visions – “Black Coffee + Espresso Wide-Eye-Jolt Stay Awake!” –Jesus