M.P. said... "And to all those [homeless at library computers] reading this: if you are homeless, I am praying for you ..I hope and I pray that you will be blessed today and always...and perhaps we'll meet soon."
Welcome in - Come Clothe Yourself With Compassion and Be Eternally In-Style! Imagine - Imagine no one has said your name in years, no one has hugged you in decades, no one knows you have died. Imagine 80,000 Women, Children, Teenagers and Men in Los Angeles Alone. Now, blessed are you that weep and mourn with us while grieving your own compulsions, illusions, brokenness, failures, obsessions, loneliness, "homelessness" and addictions. One day, you too shall laugh! Subscribe! top right column.
Let us pray ... O God, Source of all that makes life possible, Giver of all that makes life good: We pray now to give thanks, yet we confess that we have often failed to live our thankfulness. What we have, we take for granted, and we grumble about what we lack. We have squandered your bounty, with little thought for those who will come after us. We are troubled by the few who have more than by the many who have less. Forgive us, O God. In this moment of prayer, accept our thanksgiving; and teach us to make gratitude and sharing our way of life. Amen
Attn: Homeless in America - GJG
On Saturday morning, while delivering clothing, rosaries, prayer cards and 575 sack lunches made by St. Paul the Apostle “Sandwich Builders” (see Sunday, November 11, 2007) the thought occurred that taking time to deliver supplies to the forgotten homeless is about “seeing” people. In much the same way that Jesus takes the time to see the short guy Zacchaeus up in the tree (see Sunday, November 4, 2007) and blesses him, we do the same when we take time to encounter and “see” the normally unseen. As Christ’s followers, each time we take the time to see “short” people (those who are unseen because they are inadequate, despised and rejected), we bless them as Jesus blessed Zacchaeus. Jesus came to stay under his roof! He came into his house – his very soul and that was the blessing. This past Saturday morning, the delivery team brought Christ under the roofs – into the very souls of people who are misunderstood, despised, rejected and never seen. (Who does that sound like?) By showing up – team members said to these people, “I see you. Come down from that tree! Jesus wants to dwell in your house today – the home of your soul.” Who will you see today that is “short” and inadequate? Who can you bless so that the healing Christ can come to stay in their house? While contemplating those questions, view a few photos above from what is now dubbed, “We See You Saturday.”
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From a circle of prayer to hand drawing "we love you and think of you" prayer cards - more than 200 parishioners gathered to build sandwiches and stuff bags with fruits, treats and water. More than 40 hygiene kits were donated as well as socks, t-shirts and underwear. What's coming in Monday's blog? Pictures of Saturday's delivery team and their encounters under-the-bridges. It's dubbed, "We see you Saturday!"
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With all that said - please relax (possibly go fix yourself a nice cup of tea - but come back). Then, enjoy blogging with our little community of poverty stricken and not-so-poverty stricken psycho-spiritual blogger babblers, scribes, mystics and prophets trying to find the way home. Who knows, possibly you will be the one to find your dream House or point someone else to theirs. Welcome to Homeless In America!