Saturday, November 10, 2007
Tsunami Hits Home

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Welcome in - Come Clothe Yourself With Compassion and Be Eternally In-Style! Imagine - Imagine no one has said your name in years, no one has hugged you in decades, no one knows you have died. Imagine 80,000 Women, Children, Teenagers and Men in Los Angeles Alone. Now, blessed are you that weep and mourn with us while grieving your own compulsions, illusions, brokenness, failures, obsessions, loneliness, "homelessness" and addictions. One day, you too shall laugh! Subscribe! top right column.
1 comment:
What do you feel we need to do for Veterans--people who were willing to fight for our freedom?
My opinion is the following:
1. First of all "sleeping on somebody's couch" needs to be replaced with a house as part of an honorable discharge. In my opinion every Veteran who is honorably discharged has earned at least a stable place to live. What are my tax dollars going for anyway?
2. When I was fundraising for the non-profit organization called Veterans of Foreign Wars (the VFW), I was shocked to learn many Veterans have to go through tons of redtape to even get benefits the law currently entitles them to receive. I don't feel like going through a bunch of redtape and I haven't been traumatized by fighting in a war.
Ridiculous! Cut the redtape.
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