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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So, What Are You Fretting About?

Serving the poor can take on various works and the joy and Spirit is always inspiring as we see people give. Heather, a Los Angeles college student discovered just that! Last week, as she entered finals weekend, she devoted a whole day of work, not to worry and fret over passing chemistry, but to make two St. Paul the Apostle Parish posters to announce “Sandwich Builders” to invite parishioners to make lunches for the homeless. The extra care included crafting 3D lettering, great photos, awesome colors and then well-built on to foam-core boards. All is displayed on upright and sturdy aluminum easels. So, what are you fretting about? Now, just forget about it for a day and go do something for the poor! God will bless you with a colorful, sturdy and upright life.

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