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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Still Living out Jesus' Birth

It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

For the homeless, it gets bone chilling cold and damp living under the bridges and in the alleyways of downtown Los Angeles this time of year. The chilly Pacific-driven winds and rains can last for days and catch many unprepared. On December 21st, Servants of the Father of Mercy will deliver winter supplies in conjunction with the celebration of Christmas and those homeless who are still living out Jesus’ birth; “There was no room for them in the inn.”

Within the next two weeks, we hope to acquire enough winter supplies to help 150 men, women and teenagers on December 21st. By giving alms, you can help too. Invite family and friends to help as well. You may choose to assign 100% of your donation to any of the following needs:

* Sweat pants and sweat shirts
* Athletic socks and underwear
* Blankets and warm sleeping bags
* T-shirts
* Sweaters and jackets
* Tangerines
* Bottled water
* Packaged individual snacks
* Bibles and prayer aids

Also, you may wish to support SFM administrative costs that keep the organization growing and giving - for such things as phone, internet, office, etc. Indicate that as well if you are donating to help SFM serve. Please write us and let us know where you wish your alms to go. Checks may be made out to …

Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc.
P.O. Box 42001
Los Angeles, CA 90042

Also, you may wish to participate in helping SFM to deliver the supplies. Email us at in order to reserve your spot on our team in helping with this StreetReach.

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