R Build us a home, O Lord.
You have called us to encourage one another and to build one another up:
– make us skilled laborers and co-builders on your team of workers. R
You have granted us various talents for the upbuilding of your Temple, your body, the Church in love:
– grant that our talents are not selfishly hidden, but shared with the poor in service to all.
You have gone before us to prepare a home for each among many mansions in your Father’s house:
– allow us the grace to despise seeking the things of this life and to press on with faith to our eternal home.
You have given through your Word, a vision of a great city to come:
– bring all who know they are poor in spirit, homeless, lost, abandoned and broken to dwell with you in glory.
What will you do with Your Homeless in America?
What will you do with Your Homeless in America?
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