What happens next is both dramatic and powerful for a wealthy short guy that when he woke up was expecting a normal day like any other day. But this day became radically different. Because he has had the beatific vision of seeing God, he discovers there is only one response to make: Zacchaeus says, "Behold, half of my possessions, [mucho dinero] Lord, I will give to the poor and if I have extorted from anyone I shall repay it four times over."
So, Zacchaeus promised Jesus to give half of his property to the poor. About six months ago, a poll was launched and is now closed. HIA asked, “If a middle class Christian made the same promise of Zacchaeus’ in today’s economy, would God somehow provide? Or, realistically, would the person more-than-likely become destitute and live homeless?”
Here is how readers and subscribers responded …
58% believe that God would somehow provide.
41% believe that realistically speaking, the person would become homeless!
Thank you for participating. Scroll down to the bottom of the main page an participate in all our polls and opinion surveys.
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