People often think about doing something for people who are homeless during the winter. They might take jackets, winter caps, sleeping bags, blanket and other winter items to help homeless people who might be stuck in the cold.
Summer presents another set of challenges as temperature soars into the nineties and in some areas above a hundred degrees. Some of the health risks then are dehydration, heat stroke, general exhaustion, and athlete’s foot.
Here are seven ways you can help people who are homeless this summer.
1. Clothing
Collect and distribute light summer clothing. This includes t-shirts and shorts. Most homeless people have limited access to air conditioned facilities so they really need cooler clothing during the summer. Be sure that the clothes are clean and in good repair.
2. Baby Wipes
You could provide people who are homeless with baby wipes. People who are homeless can use these to clean up when they don’t have access to proper shower facilities.
3. Bottled Water or Gatorade
You can give away bottled water. Water is essential to prevent dehydration on very hot days. If you can afford it, things like Gatorade will not only help people on the streets remain hydrated but will replace lost minerals as well. They don’t have to be ice cold, but make sure they are cool. You don’t want to give out hot bottles of water or Gatorade. Try to make it as refreshing as possible.
4. Foot Care
Foot care is a major concern for people who are homeless. Because of heat, lack of ability to stay clean, and lack of clean socks, athlete’s foot is a major concern for homeless men and women. You can help by giving clean socks, foot powder, and athlete’s foot spray to people who are homeless.
5. Backpacks
Homeless people often need backpacks. This is a good item to collect all year round, but a great opportunity to obtain these will be at the end of summer when stores have back-to-school sales. It's a perfect time to buy them cheap.
6. Underwear
Another item the homeless need year round is underwear. However, in the summer time it's very important to give out clean underwear because changing frequently helps prevent rashes and skin infections. For men, they generally prefer boxers in dark colors.
7. Smiles
Be sure to smile. Strike up a conversation with someone who’s homeless. You may find that your stereotypes get challenged. In addition, the person who’s homeless feels that someone actually sees them as a person and cares about them. Smiles are free!
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