The life of Mother Teresa can be summed up in these words describing her relationship with Jesus:
“To me - Jesus is my God. Jesus is my Spouse. Jesus is my Life. Jesus is my only Love. Jesus is my All in all. Jesus is my everything. Jesus, I love with my whole heart, with my whole being. I have given Him all, even my sins, and He has espoused me to Himself in all tenderness and love. Now and for life I am the Spouse of my crucified Spouse.” Let us pray for Mother Teresa to intercede for us, that she may like St. Therese spend her heaven making “God loved” and doing “good upon the earth.” May her love be ours as we reach out to victims of abortion, AIDS, sickness, poverty, and loneliness. Let us come to frequent Mass and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, let us come to adore Him that we might carry on her work little by little each day. Mother Teresa pray for us.
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