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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rad Guide to Living out of your Porsche

A couple of years back, Homeless In America reported on “Radified,” a mobile-homeless guy, who was living in the parks and beaches around Laguna Beach in So Cal. He refers to his particular group of homeless people as “mobile hobos.” As an author, he is known for his frugal ways and street-smart wisdom in the book, Rad Guide to Living out of your Porsche. In the book, “Radified” prepares the working poor to live out of their cars in Southern California’s unaffordable housing market. Essential to the lifestyle is having an old VW Van, preferably one from the 60's. But you do receive extra bonus points, like “Radified” for living out of a Porsche. A cell phone and wireless laptop is a must. Extras include having a list of all coffee shops with free wireless access and carrying a Bible. Here is his comprehensive “essentials” and “extras” list.

• Old VW Van, preferably from the 60's (bonus points for living out of your Porsche)
• Tent & sleeping bag
• Health club membership (for showers)
• Cell phone
• Wireless Laptop
• PO Box (mail)
• Library card (for free wireless access)
• Quarters (for laundry)
• Credit card (so you don't have to carry cash)
• Storage facility (for your stuff, preferably one you can access 24x7)

• Register at local Community College (for more wireless access, don't have to actually take a class to register)
• Locations of all coffee shops with free wireless access
AT&T WiFi wireless account (for even more wireless access, available at most Starbucks) and a Bible.

“Radified” encourages "mobile hobos" to take comfort in knowing that Jesus was a homeless guy. "And Jesus said to him, 'The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.'” (Matthew 8:20)
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