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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Random Acts Of Kindness For The Lenten Journey

  1. Greet a stranger with a wave, a smile, and a sincere "good morning."

  2. Smile and be tolerant of morning commuters in a hurry.

  3. Yield your place in line to someone obviously in a hurry.

  4. After a restaurant meal, seek out your server and offer a generous tip along with your personal thanks.

  5. Pay for the coffee or tea for the person behind you in line.

  6. Leave an inspirational quotation on your bus, train or ferry seat when you exit.

  7. Greet a store cashier warmly and sincerely ask about his or her day.

  8. Spend an hour at a senior's home reading or chatting.

  9. Volunteer at a facility that brings you into contact with people you would not normally interact with.

  10. Leave a positive comment on a website that you enjoy.

  11. Send a thank you email to the author of a book or article that you enjoy. Feed a parking meter that has expired.

  12. Walk through your neighborhood and pick up trash.

  13. Pack an extra lunch and give it to a homeless person.

  14. Stop and chat with a homeless person who's a regular near your work or home.

  15. Don't forget to invite your family and friends to Subscribe! to Homeless In America or join the Followers - right column.

  • Invite your family and friends to Subscribe! to Homeless In America.

  • Scroll down and vote in the polls.

  • List yourself as a blog follower, middle right column.

  • Contact us:

  • Donate! To the poor homeless at or post checks to - Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All Donations are Tax Deductible.

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