Many thanks to Our Lady Rosary Makers, Claire in San Luis Obispo, Rosemary in San Leandro and Irene in Seattle who stocked the Servants of the Father of Mercy choir with 100s of rosaries to give out to the poor forgotten elderly at area nursing homes. In a matter of just a few days, the rosary makers responded in full force sending large boxes of their handiwork to give out this holiday season. As the choir made the rounds and sang Sunday 5:30pm Christmas concerts at Twin Pines, Santa Paula, Treacy Villa, Ventura and Cypress Place, Ventura - Claudia’s 11 year old daughter Cynthia and 5 year old Valerie went bed to bed, room to room and made sure everyone received their hand made gift. It did not matter if a person was Catholic, Protestant or confused, everyone gladly grasped onto the crucifix and many hung the rosaries about their head as if it was a million dollar necklace. These nights, now they have no doubt slept in heavenly peace.
God uses all things for the good, doesn’t he? Because of sudden and unexplainable changes, the Servants of the Father of Mercy choir were recently dismissed after four years of leading Sunday 10am Mass worship. However, the hardworking all volunteer choir of 14 + with singers and instrumentalists are now freed up to spend their time singing for the elderly, the homeless, lost and broken. There will be no unemployment here, the need is eternally great. As the Christmas Holidays come to an end soon, the choir is getting geared up to go on tour to area nursing homes again in February with God “love songs” in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Handmade Valentine’s Day cards will be gifted to the elderly upoon arrival. The choir is also planning free concerts in the park for the homeless this summer.
Would you or someone you know like to join the band? The Servants of the Father of Mercy choir is currently in need of more singers of all ages, families, electric guitar player, violin, flute, brass and more. Email us at Contact@ServantsoftheFather.org and make a difference in someone’s life with your voice and musical talent.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3
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