"But I speak for the poor and simple, who, because
they have good will and more faith than most scholars, better understand the
truth." St. Louis Montfort
The Apology of Aristedes
I, O King, by the grace of God came into this
world; and when I had considered the heaven and the earth and the seas, and had
surveyed the sun and the rest of creation, I marveled at the beauty of the
world. And I perceived that the world and all that is therein are moved by the
power of another; and I understood that he who moves them is God, who is hidden
in them, and veiled by them. And it is manifest that that which causes motion
is more powerful than that which is moved. But that I should make search
concerning this same mover of all, as to what is his nature (for it seems to
me, he is indeed unsearchable in his nature), and that I should argue as to the
constancy of his government, so as to grasp it fully,--this is a vain effort
for me; for it is not possible that a man should fully comprehend it. I say,
however, concerning this mover of the world, that he is God of all, who made
all things for the sake of mankind. And it seems to me that this is reasonable,
that one should fear God and should not oppress man . . .
St. Aristides delivered the Apology around the
year 125, when the Roman emperor Hadrian visited Athens. His memory is kept by
the Church on August 31st.
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