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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Armchair Quarterback Season
easy to play armchair quarterback by judging others - often assuming the reasons why
people are poor, homeless, broken and addicted while sitting comfortably in one’s
car, home or office.Whenever one passes judgment on another or
group of others (the root is pride, the original sin); God is always on the
side of the person(s) being judged.The
sin of judging as Paul says sets us up as if we are God and the law
itself.The serpent (Lucifer, once a
most beautiful and powerful angel and later evil pride specialist) said in the
Garden of Eden, "You will become like God!" and our first parents
arrogantly bought it.Pride makes us
think we can judge others, and unfortunately all other sins quickly spin off
from the first. _______________
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Pope Francis: The Eucharist and Caring for the Poor Top Priority of the Church and Priests
Pope Francis said on September 9, 2013, "Looking after the poor should not be the work of only 'specialists', but engaged in by all members of the Church. It should also be part of the training of priests."
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All proceeds from the book serve the homeless in America.
Time to Serve from Los Angeles to New York
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Lucky Losers Rest in Thee
"Let now the strong and the mighty laugh at us, but let us poor and needy confess unto Thee, O God." St. Augustine
Robert F. Kennedy
When asked by David Frost what people are put on earth for, RFK replied, “If you’ve made some contribution to someone else, to improve their life, and make their life a little more livable, a little more happy, I think that’s what you should be doing.”
The Wealthy & Middle Class Sin of Self-righteousness may not be easily Seen or Confessed
"One of the temptations of upper-middle class life is to create sharp edges of our moral sensitivities and it allows a comfortable confusion about sin and virtue. The difference between rich and poor is not that the rich sin is more than the poor’s sin, but that the rich find it easier to call sin a virtue. When the poor sin, they [the poor] call it sin; when they see holiness, they identify it as such. The intuitive clarity is often absent from the wealthy, and that absence easily leads to the atrophy of the moral sense." Fr. Henri Nouwen
Rahner Rant
"Preaching the Gospel, ministering to the poor, defending the underprivileged, following Jesus in this sense, prayer, a mystical sphere of one’s own existence, are just as much part of the priestly office as – and I do not mean it in a pejorative [negative] sense – being able to say Mass.” Karl Rahner
Christ in a "Distressing Disguise"
"Christ remains with us not only through the Mass but in the 'distressing disguise' of the poor. To live with the poor is a contemplative vocation, for it is to live in the constant presence of Jesus" - Dorothy Day, +1980
One loser hanging out with other losers. "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."
Jesus, the King of Kings and also Lord of all losers. Homeless, despised, rejected, misunderstood, falsely accused, crucified and counted with criminals. Behold your King.
There will only be one test as to whether we will go to heaven or not!
"If we think we are following him but are not praying or keeping the commandments, with the Jesus who tells us unequivocally that at the last judgment there will only be one test as to whether we will go to heaven or not – namely, how we responded to the poor during our lifetime." Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I. (see Saturday, February 23, 2008)
St. Bernadette in Desperation & Illness while being Homeless & Poor the Vision was Revealed
Confounding the wise, Saint Bernadette met the Blessed Mother in the darkness of being poor and homeless. She was both hated and despised as night surrounded ecstasy. “Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of God.”
Antonio Swears to the Truth
“This is the richest county in the richest state in the richest country in the history of the planet, yet almost 90,000 people do not have a roof over their heads. This is unacceptable.” Los Angeles Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa
Getting Ready for Judgement Day
"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received. How much money we have made. How many great things we have done. We will be judged by - 'I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you took me in.'" Mother Teresa
Remembering we Worship a Homeless Man That we Know to be God Himself
Jesus was born to a migrant family, on the road, in a stable and homeless. His family remained homeless as they fled from King Herod. Jesus lived his life in public ministry as a thirty-something homeless male. He lived with 12 other homeless men. He died with no money to place his body in a tomb. It was purchased for him. He left this world in the same manner in which he came - homeless.
Mary, A Celestial Apparition or Model of Mercy
From Fatima and Lourdes to Mexico City, millions of pilgrims flock to Mary, our Blessed Mother. What does she require of her spiritual children? Does she need a spectacle of mystical and celestial adoration? Would it be more pleasing to her that we also follow her in lowliness and humbly participate in God’s mercy for the poor? Mary proclaims in Luke chapter one, “For he has looked with favor on his lowly servant… He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty… He has remembered his promise of mercy.”
A Country Estate of the Rich
Electric bill? $5,000. New roof? $900,000. Person living there? Priceless!
A Country's State of the Poor
Blue plastic? Free. Blue chair? Possibly stolen. Person living there? Priceless!
Veterans 2x as likely to be homeless – currently 141,000 homeless Vets – more troops than in Iraq
More than 1 million have served in the wars on terror since 9.11.01. 6,000 of those will become homeless. Veterans have a higher rate of homelessness, (HUD Homeless Report, Feb. 2007, www.huduser.org). The war in Iraq itself will produce 3,000 more homeless Vets.
The Prophet Amos Spoke up on Behalf of the Poor Nearly 3,000 Years Ago (800 BCE)
Amos warned the people their disregard for the poor was a bad idea. It would result in the destruction of their nation. Apparently there's a long history of God trying to get our attention in this regard. Approximately 830 years later, a lawyer asks Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" He hears the parable of the good Samaritan.
Harry (+2006), the Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor
Let the lowly hear and be glad. The Lord listens to their pleas; and to hearts broken, God is near, who will hear the cry of the poor. (Psalm 34) Harry's Photo - Courtesy of Fred S.
One All-American Food Line for the Poor
It's 10:00am, Jimmy sits first among 3.5 Million homeless women, children and men.
Cautionary Notice
Caution: Reading Homeless In America Blog Archive may uncover personal brokenness - weeping and grieving may occur, God-encounters possible!
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