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Saturday, February 21, 2015

New Website

With team photos from Anaheim and Costa Mesa to our homeless family in Los Angeles and Ventura, Servants of the Father of Mercy - we've updated our website.  Visit and check out the photos and tabs - share with your family and friends.

Con fotos del equipo de Anaheim, Costa Mesa para personas sin hogar en Los Angeles y Ventura, Siervos del Padre de Misericordia, - Hemos actualizado nuestra página web. Visita y echa un vistazo a las fotos y las fichas - compartir con su familia y amigos.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shave and a Hair Cut

Homeless men and women lined up yesterday near St. Peter's Square to take advantage of Pope Francis' latest: a free shave and shower for the homeless.

Mauro Casubolo, 49, was one of the first clients as the pope's barbershop opened in the public restrooms just off the Bernini Colonnade. His chin was still red from the shave — his first in three weeks — but he was grateful.

"It's a beautiful thing he's done for us, especially for us who live in the middle of the streets, because if you want to try to go find some work you can come here and have a shower," he said.

Francis' chief alms-giver, Monsignor Konrad Krajewski, has said the project is needed since homeless people are often shunned for their appearance and smell. The initiative is being funded by donations and the sale of papal parchments by Krajewski's office.

Barbers volunteering on their days off — Rome's barber shops are often closed Mondays — as well as students from a local beauty school are donating their time, as well as some sisters from religious orders and other volunteers.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Pope Francis: Shun "It's all about me!"

In today’s news from Reuters in Vatican City - Pope Francis urged Roman Catholic leaders to avoid “it’s all about me” closed system but that the Church's credibility rested on its ability to help the poor and persecuted way out on the margins of society.

Francis called for a more merciful and compassionate Church in the homily of a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for new cardinals who were installed on Saturday.  He urged the Cardinals to pay attention to the imprisoned, sick, unemployed and persecuted and to those who have lost their faith, as well as atheists.

"The way of the Church is precisely to leave her four walls behind and to go out in search of those who are distant, those on the outskirts of life," the pope said.

"We will not find the Lord unless we truly accept the marginalized (people) . . .  Truly the Gospel of the marginalized is where our credibility is at stake."

This week!  Stay in touch with your faith and the poor – join the Servants of the Father of Mercy this Wednesday - Ash Wednesday at 5pm for all of our team members, friends and family for ashes and a communion service.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Monday, February 9, 2015

Sleek and Strong

Today's Hollywood red carpet news? Jane Fonda still at sexpot at 77! (photo)
"But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I almost lost my foothold.  I envied the arrogant when I saw their prosperity.  They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong.  They are free from common human burdens; they are not plagued by the usual human ills.  Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.  From their callous hearts comes iniquity their evil imaginations have no limits.  They scoff [at God], and speak with malice; with arrogance they threaten oppression of the poor.  However, paradoxically their mouths lay claim to heaven, but their tongues take possession of the earth.  Therefore the people turn to them and drink up their waters in abundance.  They say, “How could God know?  Does the Most High know anything?”

“But now I remember this, that the arrogant are always free of care, they go on amassing wealth.  Surely it must be in vain that another keeps his heart pure and have washed their hands in the waters of innocence.  You see, all day long I am afflicted in poverty and every morning brings new punishments.  When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply, that is until I entered the sanctuary of God;     then I understood their final destiny.

“Surely God, you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin.  How suddenly they are destroyed, completely swept away!  They are like a dream when one awakes; when you arise, Lord,    you will despise them as fantasies.  And so I have decided to be with you Lord; you hold me by my right hand.  You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you?  And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New York - New York!

Photo - Some homeless live obscurely in water drenched tunnels underneath New York City.
Nearing the Los Angeles Region in Number of Homeless

AFP reports today that New York may be famous abroad for glitz, glamor and Park Avenue billionaires but America's biggest city has passed a grim milestone -- a record 60,000 people are homeless.

In November, there were 60,352 homeless people in the city, including 25,000 children, up more than 10 percent from the 53,615 who were homeless in January 2014, according to the website "Charity Coalition for the Homeless".

Patrick Markee, deputy executive director for Advocacy Coalition for the Homeless blames it on the city's housing affordability crisis, policies of previous mayor Michael Bloomberg and failures in restoring permanent housing assistance for homeless families and children.

On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio made affordable housing a key promise of his administration in 2015.  "We commit to ending chronic veterans homelessness by the end of this year. Those who fight to protect our freedom abroad should never be left without a home," he said.

He also promised 10,000 affordable housing units for the elderly -- who "deserve to retire in dignity" and people on fixed incomes with little recourse when housing costs go up."

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Monday, February 2, 2015

The Weekend Update

May God bless the Servants of the Father of Mercy teams that on Saturday went out on the streets, under bridges and in alleyways looking to serve the homeless, lost and forgotten.  Thanks to Luis Abrego for the creative idea to bring along an ample supply of pink and blue razors.  God bless Maggie and Angela for making about 100 socks/hygiene/rosary kits for Ventura homeless. They were delivered along with food and water by Mike, Miguel Dorado Rubio, Catherine Delgado, Linda Scaramella who donated dog food for two homeless dogs and others who attended.  In Los Angeles, Saint Peters Church donated 400 fresh box lunches delivered by a large team that included Miguel Sanchez, Miguel, Sandra Gonzalez, Irma, Michael Valencia, many children helpers and others. Included here are a few pictures from the StreetReach.May God bless the Servants of the Father of Mercy teams that on Saturday went out on the streets, under bridges and in alleyways looking to serve the homeless, lost and forgotten. Thanks to Luis Abrego for the creative idea to bring along an ample supply of pink and blue razors. God bless Maggie and Angela for making about 100 socks/hygiene/rosary kits for Ventura homeless. They were delivered along with food and water by Mike, Miguel Dorado Rubio, Catherine Delgado, Linda Scaramella who donated dog food for two homeless dogs and others. In Los Angeles, Saint Peters Church donated 400 fresh box lunches delivered by a large team that included Miguel Sanchez, Miguel, Sandra Gonzalez, Irma, Michael Valencia, many children helpers and others. Here are a few pictures from the StreetReach . . .


Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lent Team Mass

Your invitation is above and below to a little Lenten spirituality, "Youth and Family Night", Servants of the Father of Mercy Lent Mass, meatless soup and bread fellowship. The last Friday of this month, February 27th, 6pm.

Love Bugs

Que Dios bendiga a todos los "Love Bugs" que hicieron manualidades Viernes, Siervos del Padre de Misericordia, "Juventud y la Noche Familiar" como regalos del día de San Valentín para ancianos en residencias área de enfermería. ¡Gracias a todos los grandes y pequeños para hacer 100s de "Love Bugs", por tu compartir y cuidar!

May God bless all the "Love Bugs" that made crafts this past Friday, Servants of the Father of Mercy, "Youth and Family Night" as Valentine's Day gifts for old folks in area nursing homes.  Thank you to all the big ones and little ones for making 100s of "Love Bugs", for your sharing and caring!

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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