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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Eudist Servants of the 11th Hour

Mother Antonia (+ October 17, 2013), known as the "Prison Angel", her community Eudist Servants of the 11th Hour gave the gift of Mother Judith as guest speaker and Sister Susan to come from Tijuana, MX to share in the Servants of the Father of Mercy 8th annual retreat this past weekend. It was at Prince of Peace Abbey high in the Southern California coastal hills with beautiful vistas of the Pacific Ocean.

Madre Antonia comunidad Siervos Eudistas de la Hora 11 dio el don de la Madre Judith como orador invitado y Hermana Susan venir de Tijuana, MX para compartir en los Siervos del Padre de la Misericordia retiro 8th anual fin de semana pasado. Fue en Príncipe de la Paz Abbey lo alto de las montañas de la costa del sur de California con hermosas vistas del Océano Pacífico.

The 8th Annual Retreat

Our dear brother and servant of the homeless John Sanders Jones was the team's extremely qualified GPS navigator while driving to and from the Servants of the Father of Mercy 8th annual spiritual retreat this past weekend. It was at Prince of Peace Abbey high in the Southern California coastal hills with beautiful vistas of the Pacific Ocean.

Nuestro querido hermano y siervo de los sin techo John Sanders Jones era extremadamente cualificado navegador GPS del equipo mientras se conduce hacia y desde los Siervos del Padre de Misericordia 8th anual retiro espiritual de este fin de semana pasado. Fue en "Príncipe de la Paz Abbey" lo alto de las montañas de la costa del sur de California, con impresionantes vistas del Océano Pacífico.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Servants of the Homeless

Just a few pictures of servants of the homeless Catherine Delgado and Angelique Gabrielle Perez taking time out for the Lord while on the Servants of the Father of Mercy 8th annual spiritual retreat this past weekend. It was at Prince of Peace Abbey high in the Southern California coastal hills with a stunning view of the Pacific Ocean.

Unas cuantas fotos de las siervas del gentes sin hogar, Catherine Delgado y Angelique Gabrielle Pérez tomarse el tiempo para el Señor, mientras que en un Siervos del Padre de Misericordia 8th anual retiro espiritual este fin de semana pasado. Fue en Príncipe de la Paz Abbey lo alto de las montañas de la costa del sur de California con una impresionante vista del Océano Pacífico.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3


Yesterday, a five-year-old Josiah Duncan  thought he was going to enjoy a simple breakfast at the Waffle House in Prattville, Ala., with his mom Ava Faulk (photo).

But before enjoying any food of his own, the little boy immediately proceeded to help a homeless man who was sitting by himself.

"He came in and sat down, and nobody really waited on him," Ava recalled. "So my son jumped up and asked him if he needed a menu saying, ‘because you can't order without one!’"

The homeless diner simply asked for a regular hamburger to enjoy. But with a little persuading from both Josiah and his mom, the hungry man felt comfortable to order anything he wanted.

"Can I have bacon?" he asked.  Josiah and Ava told him . . . "Get as much bacon as you want!"

Before taking a bite of their breakfasts, Josiah had one last surprise that shocked the rest of the diners in the Waffle House restaurant. The young boy wanted to share a prayer of grace before eating.

Josiah prayed first, "God our Father, God our Father, we thank you." Then he sang a short little song in front of about 11 customers . . . "We thank you, for our many blessings, for our many blessings, Amen, Amen."

After plenty to eat  -  the customers, Josiah’s mom, Ava and the homeless man left the restaurant with a full stomach and plenty of tears. Meanwhile, Ava also left with a heart full of love and gratitude for the example Josiah gave her and to everyone; his example of kindness and compassion for a lonely homeless man.

"Watching my son touch the 11 people in that Waffle House tonight will be forever one of the greatest accomplishments as a parent I'll ever get to witness," Ava shared with the NBC affiliate in Montgomery, Alabama . . . "You never know who the angels on Earth are!  When an opportunity comes to help others, you should never walk away from it."

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Losers, lost, broken and crushed; and that's the good news!

"Just a bunch of lost, crushed, broken, sinners helping other losers to put their shattered pieces back together!" Bro. Joseph
"Like" us on Facebook at Servants of the Father of Mercy, PO Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. Just like Domino's Pizza "We Deliver!" - food, water, clothes, shoes, soap, rosaries to 70,000+ homeless living under bridges, in alleys, parks, & city streets.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ascencion Sunday - Domingo de la Ascensión

In the same way Jesus ascended into heaven, he will return. The book of Acts tells us he will come again.  Now, nearly 2015 years later - the Bible, prophets, priests and even children are telling us of Christ's imminent arrival on the world's stage.  Jesus told us to be like the wise virgin who kept her lamp and oil ready and prepared at all times for the arrival of her bridegroom.  The others acted stupidly and were not ready when he arrived. The bridegroom ignored the ones who were not ready. Are you ready, or at the mall shopping?  Is your family ready, or are they on their i-phones?  Is your spouse ready, or too busy buying cars? Are your neighbors ready, or lost hope and don't believe in God? In the words of WW II army chaplain Fr. Breitfeller - "It's your soul, save it!"

"Like" us on Facebook - Servants of the Father of Mercy,Sunday 2pm meeting - retreat this Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Prince of Peace Abbey​. Like Domino's Pizza "We Deliver!" food, water, clothes, shoes, soap, rosaries to 70,000+ homeless living under bridges, in alleys, parks, & city streets.

De la misma manera en que Jesús ascendió al cielo, volverá. El libro de los Hechos nos dice que vendrá de nuevo. Ahora, casi 2015 años más tarde - la biblia, profetas, sacerdotes y hasta los niños nos dicen de la inminente llegada de Cristo en el escenario del mundo. Jesús nos dijo que ser como la virgen prudente, que mantuvo la lámpara y aceite listo y preparado en todo momento para la llegada de su novio. Los otros actuaron tontamente y no estaban listas cuando llegó. El novio ignoró los que no estaban listos. ¿Estás listo, o en el centro comercial? ¿Está su familia preparada, o son en sus i-phones? ¿Es su cónyuge listo, o demasiado ocupado coches de compra? ¿Está usted listo vecinos, o se pierde la esperanza y no creen en Dios? En las palabras del capellán del ejército WW II Padre Breitfeller - "Es tu alma, a salvarlo!"

"Like" us on Facebook -  Servants of the Father of Mercy, reuniones 2pm Domingo - retirarse este viernes, sábado, domingo, el Príncipe de la Paz Monasterio. Al igual que Domino's Pizza "We Deliver!" alimentos, agua, ropa, zapatos, jabón, rosarios a 70.000 personas sin hogar de estar bajo los puentes, en los callejones, parques y calles de la ciudad.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Pope Francis Today

Today, Pope Francis has warned the rich and powerful that God will judge them on whether they fed the poor.

Hoy en día, el Papa Francisco ha advertido a los ricos y poderosos que Dios los juzgará si se alimentaban los pobres.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Weak Strength

"Por mi poder se perfecciona en la debilidad." 2 Corintios 12: 9 Pues bien, ¿cuál es la moraleja de la el mensaje? Cuanto más débil eres, más enfermo esté, más roto, más gente chismes acerca de usted, más gente te odia, Dios le promete su fuerza. Cristianos bienvenidos debilidad, crucifixión y ruptura, entonces somos fuertes como Cristo.

"For my strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12: 9 Well, what's the moral of this message?  The more weak you are, the more sick you are, the more broken, the more people gossip about you, the more people hate you, God promises you His strength.  Christians welcome weakness, crucifixion and brokenness, then we are strong like Christ.

Servants of the Father of Mercy

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