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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Eudist Servants of the 11th Hour

Mother Antonia (+ October 17, 2013), known as the "Prison Angel", her community Eudist Servants of the 11th Hour gave the gift of Mother Judith as guest speaker and Sister Susan to come from Tijuana, MX to share in the Servants of the Father of Mercy 8th annual retreat this past weekend. It was at Prince of Peace Abbey high in the Southern California coastal hills with beautiful vistas of the Pacific Ocean.

Madre Antonia comunidad Siervos Eudistas de la Hora 11 dio el don de la Madre Judith como orador invitado y Hermana Susan venir de Tijuana, MX para compartir en los Siervos del Padre de la Misericordia retiro 8th anual fin de semana pasado. Fue en Príncipe de la Paz Abbey lo alto de las montañas de la costa del sur de California con hermosas vistas del Océano Pacífico.

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