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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Do you know anyone that likes to criticize and judge others?

Matthew 19 and Luke 18 the disciples asked in their summer of disappointment, "who then can be saved."  It was the summer that Jesus basically said every human being is on the road to hell because even our hearts present us a murderers and thieves and adulterers before God.  Jesus condemned 100% of us!  So why do we judge others when we are all condemned anyways?

Paul tells the same story as Jesus in Romans 7 - 9.  The law exists for only one reason - to condemn everyone.  There is no other purpose to the law - even Jesus became sin who knew no sin.  If you live on this earth, you will violate laws - Jesus, God himself knows that he violated laws while he was here.

But Paul encourages us by saying the 100% condemnation is so that all may be 100% condemned to also receive mercy from God.

In the end we should not point out other people's sins - there is no "ultimate" sin.  Bishop Sheen spoke at a prison in the 1960s and said "the only difference between you and me is that you got caught."

Ultimately, this life is a test of each person's mercy.  How merciful can you be to the next guy?  That will determine who goes to heaven.

Jesus verified this test in the parable of the wicked servant - here a guy (who represents all of us) was forgiven a BIG debt and shown much mercy but goes out and condemns the little guy for a small $5 debt.

This is difficult to understand, but James in Chapter 2 calls it the law of mercy, the law of "freedom."

In the end you don't wind up in hell just because of sin - you go there because of sin AND being unmerciful.  However merciful sinners go to heaven, we call them saints.

Jesus verifies this when he said, "Blessed are the merciful, they shall receive mercy!"

Don't ever judge others Jesus tells us - he means that - just be merciful.

Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc.

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