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Thursday, December 15, 2016

We interrupt this program for an URGENT holiday message:

We interrupt this program for an URGENT holiday message:

"You can be a good person without Christ, but you will be a better person with Christ."

"You can take Jesus out of Christmas but you cannot take Christmas out of Jesus."

This year, remember to keep CHRIST in Christmas!

10 Tips for keeping Christ in Christmas!

1.  Read the Christmas story, Luke chapters 1 - 3.

2.  Share the Christmas story with children.

3.  Place a manger under the Christmas tree.

4.  Put a manger scene in the front yard.

5.  Feed and clothe the homeless.

6.  Visit a hospital or nursing home.

7.  Go to church on Christmas.

8.  Forgive an enemy.

9.  Volunteer at a rescue mission.

10. Pray this simple prayer . . . "Jesus, please come into my heart if you are really real."  He will!

This message was brought to you by the interfaith community of the Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, tax-exempt California corporation, Association of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles and listed in the OCD (Official Catholic Directory) page 732.

Monday, December 12, 2016

At Christmastime the Peace is in the Poverty!

We just arrived back a little bit ago from the desert cities and now remember the many homeless women, children and men over the weekend that received backpacks, blankets, clothing, food, water, rosaries, Christmas toys and more.

Yesterday, we served Javier and Michael again. Both of these men had been shot in the head late at night near the Palm Springs International Airport in separate incidents over the summer and fall months by gang members that left them for dead. It's a blessing to give them both some hugs and support in their struggle to live.

A new homeless guy, just meeting him today for the first time in Palm Desert cried and cried with the surprise of gifts and help showing up on the mountainside as we drove off-road to find him. Another lady was collapsed on the ground in the heat of day in a field but intercepted by a policeman. We joined up with the police and assisted her with water, nourishment and clothing.

Well, these are just a few of many stories in just a short weekend of serving the homeless. Thank you for all your compassion, kindness and donation and BIG heart to help these poor souls.

Blessings and prayers for St. Jude the Apostle Church, Dr. and Jackie Treuting, Steve Yantzer, Bill Yantzer and pastor, Fr. Jim Stehly for all their Holiday gifts for the poor homeless as well as their love and support. Also, blessings to our spiritual director Fr. John Neiman and team support of Corpus Christi Church, Monsignor Kidney, St. Julie Billiart Church and Fr. Paul J. Hruby. May God bless our "desert storm" team, the brothers Manuel Estrada and Oscar Estrada and Orange County team, Mark Burke, Michael Valencia and Craig Palm.

Please make a prayer and a donation for these poor homeless souls we deliver to on the streets, 80,000 + in Southern California and beyond at

May the peace of His barn-born poverty be yours this Christmastime and throughout the New Year!

P.S. Become a "Servants of the Father of Mercy" right from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world by leaving a comment below. We'll get in touch with you right away and let you know how you can help serve the poor homeless on our team.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

God Revealed!


Lord Jesus, born homeless among animals in barn, you appeared unknown and unseen among us, yet you reveal yourself to women and men of humble hearts in the distressing disguise of the poor, show us your face this Advent and Christmas season . . .

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Israel shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King. He is just, and having salvation. Yet, behold! He is lowly, and riding upon an ass."  Zechariah 9:9


A holiday message brought to you by "Homeless in America" StreetReach and blog of the Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., Give a Christmas gift and wink of your heart, love and compassion for these poor souls at