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Thursday, December 15, 2016

We interrupt this program for an URGENT holiday message:

We interrupt this program for an URGENT holiday message:

"You can be a good person without Christ, but you will be a better person with Christ."

"You can take Jesus out of Christmas but you cannot take Christmas out of Jesus."

This year, remember to keep CHRIST in Christmas!

10 Tips for keeping Christ in Christmas!

1.  Read the Christmas story, Luke chapters 1 - 3.

2.  Share the Christmas story with children.

3.  Place a manger under the Christmas tree.

4.  Put a manger scene in the front yard.

5.  Feed and clothe the homeless.

6.  Visit a hospital or nursing home.

7.  Go to church on Christmas.

8.  Forgive an enemy.

9.  Volunteer at a rescue mission.

10. Pray this simple prayer . . . "Jesus, please come into my heart if you are really real."  He will!

This message was brought to you by the interfaith community of the Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, tax-exempt California corporation, Association of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles and listed in the OCD (Official Catholic Directory) page 732.

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