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Thursday, March 28, 2019


Today, that is what one person writes while sharing Servants of the Father of Mercy Facebook yesterday showing that a nonprofit organization in Austin, TX is providing StreetSide showers for the city's homeless. 

Here in a nutshell is the answer that question . . .

In recent years (since 2010), some Ventura and Santa Barbara religious and civil officials have publicized "that no organizations are to help the homeless on the streets", they say, "because helping homeless increases the local population". 

One church (and possibly more) has given their congregants a business card message to hand out to the homeless from their car.  It says, "Please go to the Rescue Mission" and they list other services to visit, concluding with "but please do not ask on the streets."

The church person is taught by order of local authorities, like top business and tourism leaders to walk away and not to provide immediate assistance. 

Similarly, this was tried in Fort Lauderdale, FL a few years ago. After an elderly man (93) was arrested and put in jail three times for helping the homeless. A high-court judge ruled in his favor that it is unconstitutional to withhold human sustenance from people in need.

Now, after that ruling, cities are trying various types of quiet subversive harassment to stop organizations that help the homeless by making life difficult for their volunteers, just short of jail for fear it will create a judge's just ruling locally in favor of the poor.

Hope this answers everyone's questions as to why is there not more being done for the homeless in Ventura and Santa Barbara areas, and for that matter other wealthy communities throughout the United States.

Lastly, we know that God favors the poor - Jesus was born poor, lived poor, lived homeless and so did his disciples - they begged for their every need.  Serving the poor, you have assurance that God is 100% on your side.

Ps. If someone tries to post anything negative for the homeless, it will be deleted, so no use trying!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


The one who obeys God's law of mercy and teaches others to be merciful will be called "great" in the kingdom of heaven.

A reading from the letter of James . . .

"So speak and so act as one who will be judged by the law of freedom.  Judgment is without mercy to those who have shown no mercy, yet mercy triumphs over judgment."  James 2:12-13

Springtime Showers!

On Saturday March 16, 2019, a nonprofit with the mission of serving the homeless brought their first shower trailer to Austin, TX, serving dozens of the city's homeless population with fresh showers and eventually laundry services too!

Sunday, March 24, 2019


"Christ suffered for you, and left for you an example to have you follow in His footsteps."  1 Peter 2:21  Let us pray . . .

"Father, ours were the sufferings your Son bore, ours the torments he endured. Help us to willingly accept our own lot, suffering in this life as Jesus accepted His own passion and death. With your help, may we ever look forward to the resurrection and a new life with Christ in heaven. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen."

Friday, March 15, 2019


"Happy is the man who considers the poor and the weak. The Lord will save him in the day of evil. The Lord will guard him, give him life, make him happy in the land and will not give him up to the will of his enemies. The Lord will help him on his sickbed and will bring him back from sickness to health."  Psalm 41

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Abba Father!

Let us pray . . . “Father, creator of unfailing light, give that same light to those of us who call upon your name. Then, our lips will praise you, our lives proclaim your goodness, our works give you honor and our voices will celebrate you forever.” Amen.

Saturday, March 9, 2019



March 9, 1440, Rome, Italy  +  . . .

Frances, a devoted and loving wife, she longed for a lifestyle of prayer and service, so she organized a group of women to minister to the needs of Rome’s poor.

Born of wealthy parents (1384), Frances found herself attracted to the religious life during her youth. But her parents objected, and a young nobleman was selected to be her husband.

However, Frances and her sister-in-law, Vannozza, set out together—with their husbands’ blessings—to serve the poor.

The years passed, and Frances gave birth to three sons.  The family flourished under Frances’ care, but within a few years a great plague swept across Italy. It struck Rome with devastating cruelty and left Frances’ second son dead.

Frances used all her money and sold her possessions to buy whatever the sick might possibly need. When all the resources had been exhausted, Frances and Vannozza went door to door begging.

Since 1425, Saint Frances is known as the founder of the Congregation of Oblates following the rule of Saint Benedict - dedicated to the poor, sick and virtues of humility and patience.

Friday, March 1, 2019

The secret of a burning heart. Suddenly, Jesus appears to us! Our hearts are set ablaze and in him we see light itself illuminating our being.

Ventura California Dreamin' on Such a Winter's Day

Sometimes all it takes is some love, hugs and help for someone to have some moments and memories of happiness.  Donate $10 to help increase deliveries of food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, hugs and more to the 80,000 + homeless we serve in Southern California at  May God bless your heart of compassion and kindness for the poor homeless.  Bro. Joseph +