In addition to food, shelter, clothing and immediate crisis care, Covenant House provides a variety of services to homeless, runaway and throwaway youth including medical care, educational and vocational programs, drug abuse treatment and prevention programs, legal aid services, recreation programs, mother/child programs, transitional living programs, life-skills training and street outreach.
A typical year for Covenant House is to provide services to more than 60,000 youth. Covenant House street outreach teams made contact with an additional 28,000 homeless and at-risk youth on the streets in the 21 cities where Covenant House operates facilities. The NINELINE received and immediately responded to more than 48,000 crisis calls from youngsters all over the United States who needed immediate help and had nowhere else to turn. The Covenant House 24-hour national crisis hotline in Mexico, received and responded to more than 13,000 crisis calls.
More on the Internet http://www.covenanthouse.org/
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Tough, Covenant House is a good ministry; it is pretty much devoted to assist people who have a problem with drugs and related issues.There is a good amount of homeless people who are dealing with mental health disabilities; and a good amount of them,became actually homeless because of that. Either they are not being properly assisted by their doctors or their families; and they finally ended up, living on the streets, because their families failed to them, the society failed to them, etc. Just by the virtue that the society as a whole got a tendency to generalize; I saw that most of the american people thing, that all the homeless became such; because they are either drug addicts or lazy people that don't like to work. Not so. If we assume the same position, we are in a big danger of commiting a great unjustice; specially to the most inocent and vulnerable people of the whole society: The homeless who are mentally ill and not capable of defending themselves. Are there any ministries that works specifically withe the mentally ill ? It will be good to know
Are there any ministries that works specifically withe the mentally ill? Yes! Lamp Community seeks to permanently end homelessness, improve health, and build self-sufficiency among homeless men and women living with severe mental illness. It is estimated that between one-third and one-half of L.A’s (74,000) homeless people struggle with serious mental illness.
Lamp Community is based in the Skid Row area of Downtown Los Angeles and is nationally recognized for providing immediate housing and lifelong supportive services to homeless men and women with a severe mental illness—many of whom have been homeless for as long as a decade.
For 22 years, Lamp Community has been bringing light to homeless men and women with mental illness. Our housing and services provide people with tools and resources that transform their lives. Please contact us at: http://lampcommunity.org or call us at (213)488-9559.
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