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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tornado Alley

Yesterday, it was reported that President Bush called the governors of 5 states - Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee assuring them of help after dozens of tornadoes left many residents instantly homeless and 54 dead. Homes were reduced to piles of rubble as the deadliest cluster of tornadoes in nearly a decade tore through the region, snapping trees and crumpling dwellings.

And so, once again we discover homelessness plays no favorites and comes to both the rich and poor alike as was demonstrated last fall in the San Diego – Malibu fires that left thousands destitute (see Malibu Burning, Monday, November 26, 2007). Whether the tragedy of homelessness strikes residents of tornado alley, shell-shocked Iraqi war veterans, the mentally ill, drug addicts or Malibu movie stars; our stance must be one of actively showing compassion and mercy for all.

May we take this Lenten season to reassess our opinions of winners and losers, homeless and not homeless? May we choose mercy and not judgment? Will we let mercy triumph over judgment? Be assured that in a forthcoming unknown hour of one’s own need, that … “Blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain mercy.”

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