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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Am I Crying out in Guilt or am I Genuinely Concerned?

Today, a reader writes in from Oxnard, California, Harriett.  She gives us an insight into praying mercifully; a prayer recently composed by Jim Busby ...

"Dear Awesome God,

Thank You for this soft bed I lay in right now. I know that there are too many people who only dream of such a nice place to sleep.  Father, as I lay my head down, my stomach is not growling, and I am not thinking of food. But I know, by name, some that are wondering if there will be anything to eat when they wake up in the morning.

O my God, I throw away so much. And much that I discard is things that people are praying for you to provide!  HEAL ME, LORD! MAKE ME MORE LIKE YOU!

O my God, am I crying out to you in guilt, or am I genuinely concerned? Am I crying out in guilt, or am I desiring you to multiply the loaves and fishes that I have? You told me the poor would always be with me. Does that excuse me from doing all I can to help them?

Father, forgive me. Please make me more like you.  In JESUS’ name, Amen"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a perfect prayer, and one we should all be offering God. True poverty is of the spirit and the need to love.
Br. Ron Fender, BSG