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Friday, September 12, 2008

Awaken Christians!

About six months, HIA set out to survey the following question of its readers … “Should Jesus be taken literally or figuratively when he said we will be judged by – ‘For I was hungry, you gave me to eat, I was thirsty, you gave me to drink… I needed clothes, you clothed me… Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me’”? The response choices were: literally, figuratively, both, neither?

The results are in! There were 57 respondents to the survey question.
** 43% felt that Jesus should be taken literally.
** 31% believe that Jesus should be taken both literally and figuratively.
** 1% said that he should not be taken literally or figuratively regarding this statement.
** 0% responded with “figuratively” only.

In light of the votes, it appears as though almost 100% believe on some level that at the last judgment, each of us will be accountable to the Lord for having sufficiently responded in our lifetime to the poor and needy around us, in our neighborhoods and cities. May God awaken and empower Christians everywhere to live up to the responsibility of His command to serve the poor in each corner of our world.

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