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Monday, December 28, 2009

Caution: Reading Homeless In America may uncover personal brokenness - weeping and grieving likely, God-encounters possible.

Back in August of '07, a Sony digital camera was gifted by Cecil K. with a suggestion: "Publish a blog to chronicle the life of homeless in America." As they say, the rest is history! Now on the threshold of 2010, Homeless In America turns 532 - that is 532 posts, blogs, rants, insights and raves over the past three years. All of which make for great fodder - food for thought, bits and bites when talking at the "water cooler", counseling others, phone chatter or pub or cafe talk. Now with 532 posts, you can daily make the blog and its history come alive - use the "search" box in the upper left. Check out almost any topic of personal interest - from "Augustine to Vets" and "Amos to Judgment" you will find triumphal insights into everyone's brokenness. If you and your friends have not already done so, please take a moment and Subscribe! in the upper right column.

Caution: Reading Homeless In America may uncover personal brokenness - weeping and grieving likely, God-encounters possible.
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