Today, the homeless we serve needs a person just like you to help sponsor dozens of plastic point-of-sale (POS) donation boxes that will collect spare change from Los Angeles area customers checking out of shops, cafes and restaurants. Each donation box is a plastic cylinder 8 inches tall and 5 inches wide (see picture).
In the month of May, the POS cans were launched in the Ventura, California area and have been very
successful in generating change that now helps increase supplies and even medical
basics like rash ointments, hand sanitizer, Neosporin and more for the homeless.
1. Orlando’s Art House
2. VDB Productions, AFHV3. Red Brick Pizza
4. Coast Office Supply
5. Urbane Café
6. Remax
7. BLUECANVAS Magazine
8. Sky Dive Taft
9. Mai's Cafe
Your sponsorship donation can be made
easily on line with a credit card by clicking on this link and scrolling
down to the “PayPal Buy Now” button. Next, enter quantity “8” if you would like to
make a $80 donation, or enter quantity “10” if you would like to make a $100
donation, etc..
Consider talking to a few friends and asking each to put in a small donation to complete one sponsorship for $80 or $100.
Consider talking to a few friends and asking each to put in a small donation to complete one sponsorship for $80 or $100.
You may also mail sponsorship donations to the Servants of the Father of Mercy, P. O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. Make checks payable to Servants of the Father of Mercy. Thank you for your kindness, help and compassion for our homeless family in So Cal.
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to Homeless In America.
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Donate! to the poor homeless deliveries of
food, water, clothing, blankets, socks, underwear, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes
and toothpaste, pocket Bibles, rosaries and prayer cards at
- Post checks to - Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All Donations are Tax Deductible.
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