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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Putting Christmas in Perspective

His exit from heaven, birth in a barn and the first reign of King Jesus on Calvary - the equivalent of a U.S. president, nominated, elected, installed and then moving out of the White House to live on a trash heap; donating all his assets to the poor.

The Apostle Paul puts the first Christmas in perspective for us; "You are well acquainted with the favor shown you by our Lord Jesus Christ: how for your sake he made himself poor though he was very rich, so that you might become rich by his poverty."  2 Corinthians 8:9

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  • Donate to help us deliver food, water, clothing, blankets and more to the homeless this Christmas season - stand behind the 3.5 million American homeless we serve at
  • Post by mail a Christmas donation to Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All Donations are Tax Deductible.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Thanks be to God for our brother Mark Burke in Orange County! The Servants of the Father of Mercy homeless family are receiving Christmas gifts on Christmas Day of handmade kids’ holiday greeting cards and $10 Subway Sandwich cards. They also got a warm blanket collected by Don Burt and team in Redondo Beach. In Ventura at Santa Clara Park, the homeless also received soap and hygiene kits made up by our very own retiree Maggie Cervantes from Santa Paula. Each bag was stuffed with a handmade rosary by Our Lady of the Rosary Makers in Alberta, CA, San Leandro, CA, Seattle, WA and Claire Donner in San Luis Obispo, CA. They also received stuffed animals collected by Angelique Gabrielle Perez and her mom Catherine Delgado. What joy these gifts brought - just simple hugs from kids in cards, a piece of motel soap, simple things, not very complicated but delivering lasting joy! So now, from our very poor, broken, empty and lonely homeless family in So Cal to yours, Merry Christmas!

Twitter: GaryJoseph@Help_4Homeless


Monday, December 23, 2013

Mysterious Christmas Spirit

"The mysterious spirit of generosity which possesses us at Christmas is the afterglow of Calvary."  Billy Graham

Please donate today a $10 Subway Sandwich gift card so each member of our homeless family can go have a hearty meal on Christmas day or post donations to Servants of the Father of Mercy, P O Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All gifts are tax deductible.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Marry Christmas!

The children at St. Luke's, grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 (about 100 all-in-all) donated today 90 handmade Christmas cards that will be delivered by the Servants of the Father of Mercy to area homeless men, women and children on Christmas Day along with a warm blanket and $10 Subway Sandwich gift card in the Ventura and Orange county areas.  The children at St. Lawrence Martyr grade school also made just about as many. Here are a few notable quotes of poetry from the children . . . Kids say the darndst' things!

"Feeling sad today?  If "yes" then here is a joke to help you feel better.  "Why did the chicken cross the road?"  (flip card over)  "To get away from McDonald's!"

"Marry Christmas!"

"Have a Merry Christmas and do let the Lord keep you warm.  May God bless you, from your friend, Dylan"

"Congratulations!  By receiving my card you have officially become my friend . . . With lots of love, Vanessa"

"Hello and Merry Christmas!  I hope you like this card as much as I enjoyed making it.  Your buddy and friend, Alyssa"

"This is your Christmas card activity:  Unscramble the following words . . .
1. crhismtsas
2. ejsus
3. agmi
4. ngmare"

"I hope you have the opportunity to celebrate the Christmas holidays with peace and the happiness you deserve.  Your friend, Steven"

"Have a great Christmas!  I will pray for you.  May God help you with all your needs."

"Christmas is my favorite holiday.  It makes me happy.  I hope it makes you happy too! Love, Ted

Okay, hopefully the children made you smile a little.  That's what Christmas is all about, little kids, babies and the BIG kid in all of us.  The children are counting on you and everyone who reads their story here to purchase at least one $10 gift card and help fill up their 200 greeting cards with Subway Sandwich gift cards.  Put a smile on a kid's face and donate today at

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Great Day in the Neighborhood

It's a great day for the homeless . . .  "Pope Francis invited four homeless people to celebrate his 77th birthday today at the Vatican.  Each of them joined the Holy Father for his morning Mass in the Casa Santa Martha. One of the men held his dog as he was presented to Francis after Mass . . . ", AP reported.

Twitter: GaryJoseph@Help_4Homeless

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fine Wines and Food Delicacies

We remember today, St. John of the Cross, considered to be THE poet of Spain.  He was born in poverty and lived a life for the poor.  He was despised by the superior general of the monastery for his simplicity, was hated by the brother priests, kidnapped by the powerful clergy of the day, jailed in a 2nd floor broom closet for 9 months, beaten thrice weekly in hopes he would recant poverty and convert to the customary wealthy life of fine wines and food delicacies of the monks.  However, John, weakened by starvation and beatings, escaped one night by the grace of God to the convent of Saint Theresa of Avila. He is well known for his literary work, "Dark Night of the Soul."

Twitter: GaryJoseph@Help_4Homeless
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  • Donate to help us deliver food, water, clothing, blankets and more to the homeless this Christmas season - stand behind the 3.5 million American homeless we serve at
  • Post by mail a Christmas donation to Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All Donations are Tax Deductible.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Giving the Gift of a Christmas Sandwich

Christmas Caroling day has arrived!  All the carolers that plan to go, it's tomorrow, Saturday, December 14th at 6pm.  It's a fundraiser for local homeless who receive from the Servants of the Father of Mercy Subway Sandwich gift cards on Thanksgiving and Christmas days.  Meet in front of the Century Theater on Main Street in Ventura.  Bring the children, friends, family and guests too!  Wear something red or green.  There will be words and music for everyone.  Mai Pham and Tu from Mai's Cafe at 1967 Main Street is serving up cups of hot chocolate and marshmallows after caroling for everyone.  They also have the best menu of hot soup Pho in Ventura!  See you soon.  Merry Christmas!  Donate online at . . .
Twitter: GaryJoseph@Help_4Homeless
  • Invite your family and friends to Subscribe to!
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  • Become a Homeless In America Follower, middle right column, main page.
  • Donate to help us deliver food, water, clothing, blankets and more to the homeless this Christmas season - stand behind the 3.5 million American homeless we serve at
  • Post by mail a Christmas donation to Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All Donations are Tax Deductible.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Rainy Day

On Saturday, Mai's Café on Main Street in Ventura, CA hosted our second Christmas fundraiser (enjoy the pics) for the homeless, helping us to deliver food, water, clothing, blankets, jackets, hygiene kits, rosaries and prayer cards to these poor souls.  Okay, at 8am it rained all during set up, but it's never supposed to rain on a golf course or when you are trying to help the poor!  So by 10am the sun came out and it was a beautiful chilly Christmastime day.  Many thanks to Angelique Gabrielle Perez, Catherine Delgado and Melinda for the beautiful bake sale (snowball cookies and Christmas cupcakes), poinsettia sale, honey angels from Bennett's Honey Farm in Piru, kids Christmas crafts and more.  The homeless in So Cal have been receiving $10 Subway sandwich gifts cards on Thanksgiving and Christmas - so it's never to late to make a donation today to bring joy, peace and happiness to these poor hungry, cold and wet souls.  Here is the online link to help the Servants of the Father of Mercy to deliver your love, hugs, prayers and comfort food over the holidays.  Please make the effort to follow this link and share the love, God will bless you!

Twitter: GaryJoseph@Help_4Homeless
  • Invite your family and friends to Subscribe to!
  • Vote in the Homeless In America polls.
  • Become a Homeless In America Follower, middle right column, main page.
  • Donate to help us deliver food, water, clothing, blankets and more to the homeless this Christmas season - stand behind the 3.5 million American homeless we serve at
  • Post by mail a Christmas donation to Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All Donations are Tax Deductible.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Living on the Same Curb since 2001

His name is Greg. Living on the same curb since 2001. For some have entertained angels without knowing so.  
Please, we're begging for your gift of Christmastime alms of mercy and compassion for our homeless family in America:
Servants of the Father of Mercy
PO Box 42001
Los Angeles, CA 90042

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our Homeless Family

Our homeless family in downtown Los Angeles, a pic made Saturday by Miguel Dorado, one of our lay brothers - visit us at

Monday, December 2, 2013

Don't Drink or Chew

In Bible colleges there is a popular and somewhat comical saying circulating among the students, "Don't drink or chew or go with girls that do!"  It’s a reflection of the pressure Christians feel from self and others to obey the letter of the Church law - to be perfect.  But Paul tells us in Romans that the law is for only one purpose, one purpose only - it is given so that God may consign everyone to sin (all are sinners - does not matter which sin you choose - everyone's a sinner).  However, Paul tells us that according to the law we are all locked in as sinners so that God can then turn around and show mercy on us all.  If you try to follow the law, it will never save - if failing in one letter of the law you fail the whole law.  However, if you humble yourself before the mercy of God, salvation is for you - available to all sinners.  Humble yourself and accept the mercy of God and he will exalt you.  Don't try to follow the law - according to Paul, it is impossible to do.  Peter backs this up in 1st/2nd Peter - "Love covers a multitude of sin."  It is also called the "law of mercy" and "the law of freedom" in James chapter two. The more mercy and love you show to others, through God's mercy, those loving works cover a multitude of sins that one can never completely eliminate in this lifetime.  The message?  Worry about sin less, don't try to be perfect, it's impossible - love, be merciful, and forgive more!

Twitter: GaryJoseph@Help_4Homeless
  • Invite your family and friends to Subscribe to!
  • Vote in the Homeless In America polls.
  • Become a Homeless In America Follower, middle right column, main page.
  • Donate to help us deliver food, water, clothing, blankets and more to the homeless this Christmas season - stand behind the 3.5 million American homeless we serve at
  • Post by mail a Christmas donation to Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc., P.O. Box 42001, Los Angeles, CA 90042. All Donations are Tax Deductible.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The First Week of Advent

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, Mary; you have no need to be afraid.  You will carry in your womb the Son of God, alleluia."

The first Christmas was all about homelessness, wasn’t it?  Jesus left his home in heaven, became a pilgrim on earth and he was born homeless in a manger to a mother and father that had no place to stay.