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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Thanks be to God for our brother Mark Burke in Orange County! The Servants of the Father of Mercy homeless family are receiving Christmas gifts on Christmas Day of handmade kids’ holiday greeting cards and $10 Subway Sandwich cards. They also got a warm blanket collected by Don Burt and team in Redondo Beach. In Ventura at Santa Clara Park, the homeless also received soap and hygiene kits made up by our very own retiree Maggie Cervantes from Santa Paula. Each bag was stuffed with a handmade rosary by Our Lady of the Rosary Makers in Alberta, CA, San Leandro, CA, Seattle, WA and Claire Donner in San Luis Obispo, CA. They also received stuffed animals collected by Angelique Gabrielle Perez and her mom Catherine Delgado. What joy these gifts brought - just simple hugs from kids in cards, a piece of motel soap, simple things, not very complicated but delivering lasting joy! So now, from our very poor, broken, empty and lonely homeless family in So Cal to yours, Merry Christmas!

Twitter: GaryJoseph@Help_4Homeless


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am creating a page which documents the many brutal
homeless camp closings in California:

California Homelessness Reporter

Please let me know if you hear of any more!