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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


For all the poor, lost, forgotten, crushed and abandoned, which is pretty much the whole of the human race – in God’s great desire for the glory of His grace to be revealed, God the Father predestined us to be adopted as His children. This was His will and pleasure says the Apostle, so that His glorious grace freely bestowed on us in His beloved might redound to His praise. Saint John Chrysostom, famed preacher and commentator on Holy Scripture said in this regard ... 
Clothing Him in Purple, Puts A Crown on His Head ...
“Why does God wish to be praised and glorified by us if not to make our love for Him more fervent? His desire is not to receive service or glory or anything else from us, but only for our salvation, and for this He made the whole world. Being filled with praise and wonder because of the grace bestowed on us will make us more diligent and more zealous.
“Imagine a man suffering from repugnant and infectious disease, and afflicted as well by old age, poverty and hunger. Suppose someone suddenly transforms him into a comely young man, surpassing all others in beauty, his cheeks glowing, his eyes shinning more brightly than the sun; and suppose that having endowed him thus with the bloom of youth, he then clothes him in purple, puts a crown on his head, and gives him all the insignia of the king. Well, that is exactly what God has done for your soul: He has made it beautiful, desirable and lovable. The angels, archangels, and all the powers of heaven desire to look upon such a soul. So He has made us pleasing and desirable in His eyes. As the Psalmist says, ‘The King will desire your beauty.’” St. John Chrysostom (+407)

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