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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Should Perfectly Good Food be Thrown into Dumpsters?

38 Million Americans are either hungry or on the brink of hunger. And yet many grocery stores, popular food chains and local restaurants continue to put food that could be used for the poor into dumpsters. (Photo: One Day's Catch Dumpster Diving) It’s really a crime how much food that could be used to feed hungry Americans continues to be put into dumpsters. And many of these food service groups have gone as far as to post no trespassing signs on the dumpsters as well as locking the doors shut when unattended. Establishments are fearful to release the food to mission organizations or lay missioners even if it is only a day or two beyond the expiration date for risk of law suits.

What do you think? Should there be a law that prevents wasting of food in America? Should mission groups and individuals be given at least 48 hours to recover and distribute food that has expired to the poor? Scroll down and vote in the HIA poll near the bottom of this page. Please take a moment and vote in all our polls.
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