“For you know the gracious act of
our Lord Jesus Christ, that for your sake he became poor although he was rich,
so that by his poverty you might become rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:10
Brothers and sisters, let us make
the Lenten journey following the Lord’s example. We begin both fasts - Lent and Advent each
year being rich. How so? Most of us have a roof over our heads, food,
water and clothing in ample supply. Let
us join now at the start of each Lent and Advent the way of our Lord. His is a journey of giving up wealth and
humbling himself into complete poverty.
We remember at these times of year that his birth was homeless and in a
lowly manger. His death stripped him of
clothing and blood – bare; he was laid to rest, homeless again in a borrowed
tomb. This Lent, let us walk with him
into that same poverty. As we share in
his utter lack, may we also share in the riches of Christmas Day and the resurrection
of Easter morning.
Do we not know that even the
angels share in his poverty? They descend each day and each hour the stairway of
heaven. They enter our world poor and
alone to lead and guide us. Let us
remember that the angels routinely leave their profit behind, empty themselves
and join with us in our human sin and utter poverty. This is the mysterious way of the Lord isn’t
it? The one that holds onto riches is
eternally poor. The one who empty’s
himself becomes rich. What is God’s
world? Is it the same as ours? Of course not, for it is written: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways." Isaiah 55:8 “Up is down and down
is up” and we must have a Holy respect for these extraordinary confusions and
anomalies of the Lord.
“But emptied himself, by taking
the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled
himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a
cross.” Philippians 2: 7-8
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