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Friday, August 2, 2024

Soon In August 2024 – 2030 We All Will Need A BIG Dose of COURAGE to Face-off with the Coming BEAST An urgent prophetic message for the world. In May, June and July of 2024 the Lord granted 24 dreams and visions soon to take place beginning in August 2024. They all add up to one thing – anyone alive 2024 – 2030 is going to need a BIG dose of courage to face-off with the coming BEAST – surprise nuclear attacks, foreign invasions, foreign military coup, martial law and a no-big-surprise traitor in the White House. Wishing there was better news to share, but there is nothing we can do now to stop the inevitable. The coup plotters murderous brutality will only last until 2030, approximately seven years. Then the Lord Jesus Christ comes to Earth, defeats evil and sets up God’s Kingdom. He rules and reigns with peace and justice for 1,000 years, from 2030 – 3030. There is not more that can be said about us living at the end of the end. Jesus laid it all out in Matthew 24/25, the Book of Revelation by Apostle John the Prophet and the Book of Daniel by the Prophet Daniel. Also, Jesus said to beware of Pilate, Herod and the High Priests. Beware of the hypocrites, He said. “I have told you this so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will endure suffering. But take COURAGE, I have overcome the world!” -Jesus, John 16:33


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