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Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Wealthy Gift at Less than 1/2 of the Poor

A U.S. Bureau of Labor survey found that the poor—those making an average of $10,531—give 4.3 percent to charity. The wealthiest make an average of $158,888 and give only 2.1 percent. They give at less than ½ of the poor. Over the past nine months, HIA bloggers and readers have been asked their opinion as to why this might be so. Here is how they responded . . .

0% endorsed the idea that the wealthy usually do not associate with or know many poor people as one possible explanation. Or, that the wealthy generally live isolated lives and are unaware of social concerns.

7% felt that a reasonable explanation is that the poor by nature are more empathetic and feel for others in want or need.

About 14% believe that the poor have a higher pattern of giving because they also send money home helping other less fortunate family members.

Ultimately, 71% believe that all the above statements some how play a factor in explaining why the poor by-and-large give at more than double the rate of the wealthy.

Only 1% felt that an explanation did not exist in any of the above statements.

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