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Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Middle Eastern Ice Cream Flavor, "Sacrificial Lamb" ?

Ice Cream Helps Keep Homeless Warm (see Saturday, December 1, 2007) chills some to the idea of Ben & Jerry's advertisement logos on the back of warm jackets they have sponsored for the homeless. However, J.F. writes in and says ... "Hmmm, not sure how I feel about this one. On the face of it, it does seem demeaning. It could be said that charity should not come with a price. Companies should give for the sake of giving and treating the homeless like sandwich boards for the sake of profit further strips them of their dignity. On the other hand, why not? Every professional athlete and NASCAR racer is blanketed like an avalanche with sponsor advertisements and logos. And is there a Catholic church in existence without the ultimate advertising logo of the cross and a few dozen assorted Saints? If everyone wins, what’s the harm? Still, it’s hard to imagine Jesus’ well-worn tunic with a Nike swoosh on it. Maybe if there was a new Ben and Jerry’s vanilla flavor: “Heavenly Host”, or a Middle Eastern flavor, Sacrificial Lamb or, best of all, a new chocolate flavor: “Jamaican Jesus?” The possibilities are endless…"

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