Welcome in to our Monday Morning Prayer Request Blog. We pray for those dear to the heart of Jesus - the homeless, the poor, the abandoned, the crushed and forgotten. Also, we want to remember and pray for all the poor.
Who do you know that is crushed, broken, lost, abandoned or hurting? Come, post as many prayer requests as you wish for yourself or others - first names or initials only. Your prayer requests will be printed and taken every day this week for presentation in one hour at Adoration for the Lord‘s consideration, great mercy and compassion.
Tell others that even though many are too busy for prayer, they can take a minute to post a prayer here and someone will pray for them. Please visit every Monday and post new prayer requests.
Here is how to post a prayer request:
1. Click on COMMENT at the bottom of this post.
2. Click the circle Anonymous at the bottom of the page.
3. Type your prayer request in the box at the top of the page.
4. Use your first name or initials at the end of what you wrote.
5. Visually check your spelling (no spell check)
6. Fill in the wavy letters in the security box.
7. Click on publish and send it heaven’s door.
8. Trust God that He will hear your prayer.
Here is how to post a prayer request:
1. Click on COMMENT at the bottom of this post.
2. Click the circle Anonymous at the bottom of the page.
3. Type your prayer request in the box at the top of the page.
4. Use your first name or initials at the end of what you wrote.
5. Visually check your spelling (no spell check)
6. Fill in the wavy letters in the security box.
7. Click on publish and send it heaven’s door.
8. Trust God that He will hear your prayer.
Coming soon … The Tuesday Morning Praise Blog where we give thanks to God for His mercy and compassion and for answering prayers for all the "poor" in our lives!
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Pray for three people in the Landing program. Their names are Annette, Bill and Karen. I would like to pray that they find the comfort and peace they are looking for in reuniting with the Church.
Prayers for my Brother Frank, my sister Ruth and for my loved ones that have passed on - that I may see them again in God's Kingdom.
May the Lord bring all my family and friends who have departed this life into the light of His life - my brother Jim, Richie, Robbin, Fr. Tom, Kim, Sarah, Betty, Greg, Jorgen and Kenny.
Lord, bring all of our homeless family a revelation of yourself, food, water, clothing, shelter, peace and safety - Marvin, Moses, Raby, Rick, Ernesto, Jose, Kitty, California, Pur, Blackie, Tara and her baby. Please bring Kevin, Tara's husband into the light of your life.
Pray for the lost souls in my life: Charlie Sr., Bill, Marc and Courtney. May they see the shinning face of the Lord in Heaven.
Prayers for Ernie who is sick, and for his wife, who needs strength.
Pray for my family - C, C, B, C. Pray for all my family who have passed, especially my grandparents.
Please pray for M.B., a coworker who has cancer.
Lord I lift up to you every single person on our prayer list and all our families and friends. So many are in need of your comforting Love and caring presence. Please be with them all in a special way. I also ask special prayers for your suffering servent Ann, that she know and do God's will for her. Thank you Jesus
Lord, Please watch over Abbie and her baby, help to have him delivered safely and healthy, please comfort Alisa, Scott, Scott, Devon, Diane & Frank, please send love and support to TG, DG, KH & another DG, please heal Daniel, Patrick, Lewis & Steve and please send guidance to Paul & me. Thank you Lord.
Heavenly Father,
We lift up our sister Lei and ask for wholeness and healing for her heart. We ask that you rid her body of all the factors that caused the heart attack. We pray for the doctors that care for her, that their minds will be clear and their hands steady. Lord, give Lei, her family and friends - especially sister Katie - a great measure of your peace and a strong sense of Your presence as Lei goes to her angiogram appointment this afternoon.
Thank you for Your Lordship over our lives and that You care for every detail, even every hair on our heads. We humble ourselves before You and bring our petitions to you because You are the God of healing, love and peace.
In Jesus Christ we pray.
I pray for nephew Willy who has terrible health issues at 28 due to alcohalism. O Lord please help him overcome his addictions so that can take care of himself and his family.
I pray for my friend Kathleen for her intentions.
I prayer for Gladys intentions.
Oh Lord I pray that I am always grateful for the many gifts and graces you have given me and I thought I learn through you to be merciful to others. I ask that you inspire my prayer life to be more heartfelt and sincere and to look for more opportunties to pray to you each day. Lastly I ask the Holy Spirit to instill in my the love and desire to read and understand the Holy Scriptures.
I would like prayer for continued blessings for my parents health. They are both getting up in age and I thank God every day for keeping them. Also, pray for more clients & work to come my way [so I can keep giving to the poor]. I know that God always supplies all my need, according to His riches and glory through Christ Jesus.
Please pray for the recently departed.
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